Meeting with Vongola Nono (Cielo)

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-Tsuna's POV-

I carried the sleeping Lambo in my arms and quickly went back to my room.

Why the hell is Nono here!?

I only knew Iemitsu was coming back but not with the Vongola Ninth! If I've known, I would've prepared myself. I notice his piercing gaze when he looked at me. Silently observing my every movement and facial expression. It was so unnerving and uncomfortable.

I lied down Lambo onto my bed and checked my mail. Since the Kokuyou incident, I haven't had the time to do it. I notice a flood of mails from my hacking job but I didn't want to go through that yet. One mail caught my eye and I clicked it open to read it.

It was from the Vongola. It says that the meeting had been scheduled tonight, 1am sharp at Namimori Middle. I looked at the time  in alarm and saw that it was 10pm.

Still 3 more hours to go. Enough time to prepare and get there.

I already made my decision. Of course I'll ally with the Vongola. I understand that Nono would never do anything unreasonable as a boss and so I trust him. Plus, being in the Vongola can help me do a lot more things as Cielo, and gives me more freedom than what my normal self can do.

I turned off the screen and was about to prepare my outfit when a voice boomed downstairs.

"I'll never acknowledge him as my son! He's a devil after all. He scared my precious Nana, tried to kill Natsu and made the whole of Namimori turn against us! He made my family suffer because of his lies! Everywhere he goes, death follows. He's a devil, a Shinigami, a demon! He should have stayed dead when that incident happened but he woke up again just to torment us! I'll never ever see him as my son. I wished he never have been born! Natsume is my only child."

Huh, Iemitsu really hates me. I already knew that, but listening to the words from his mouth was different.

My heart throbbed in pain and I felt suffocated.

I heard Reborn say something but it was too soft to hear then Iemitsu shouted again.

"Understand him?! How could I understand what a devil is thinking? He was only here to drag us down, to make our lives miserable and he succeeded in doing that."

Was I? I don't know what my parallel self had done but I'm sure he had no intentions of doing that. Why was he so misunderstood? And was did I have to bear this pain for him? If I was some ordinary kid right now, I would have become depressed from that and maybe do something impulsive that I may regret for the rest of my life.

I should go now. I have no need to listen to his obnoxious rants.

I quickly threw on my Cielo outfit; wearing a black shirt and pants beneath, and black leather gloves. I checked my voice changer to ensure it works and took my tanto with me.

I'm sure I wouldn't need it, but better be safe than sorry. I ensured that Lambo is sleeping before jumping out of the window and into the tree branch next to it.

This tree is really useful. I absently thought before making my way down and towards the school.

Time for Cielo to make his appearance.

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