Day 1 Of The Arcobaleno Trials

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-Normal POV-

"Whoa! We're seriously back!" Natsu yelled to the air with joy.

They found themselves in the alleyway in the middle of Namimori shopping district. It was in the middle of the afternoon and not many people were walking about, each minding their business.

No one notice the odd out-of-place group that stood there with wounds and rough up clothes.

"Hahi! I can't believe we're back!" Haru exclaimed.

"Mukuro-sama....Bossu..." Chrome muttered and immediately ran off without a word to them. No one even noticed when she'd even disappeared.

"Well, let's head home to rest for now. It's going to be a busy week ahead." Natsu said.

"YAY!! Lambo-san wants to see Tsu-nii again!!" Lambo shouted and ran off.

"Damn it! Don't just run off like that!" Natsu yelled after him. He paused for a second to turn around and wave his goodbyes to the others, promising to see them in school the next day before chasing after the cow.


"Tadaima..." Natsu whispered as he slowly opened the front door.

"Tsu-nii!!" Lambo barged into the house and ran straight to Tsuna's room. Natsu glanced at the house with nostalgia. It's only been 3 days here but for us it's been 3 months. I didn't realize I missed home that much. I hope I didn't worry Tsuna too much.... He frowned.

He longed to see his brother but he was afraid to face his brother's wrath for his disappearing act. He waited downstairs for his brother to appear but instead, Lambo came running down in tears.

"Tsu-nii's not here! He's gone!" Lambo wailed.

"What! What do you mean he's gone? Maybe he just step out for a moment?" Natsu didn't know what to do to calm the cow down. It's always Tsuna who does it. He scratched his hair in frustration. He badly wanted to smack the cow on his head for the noise he's making but that won't solve the situation, it'll only accelerate it.

He noticed Lambo holding a piece of crumpled paper in his hands and took it from him. Opening the paper, he recognized Tsuna's handwriting on it.

[Sleepover at friend's house. Don't worry about me.]

Well, that explains his disappearance and why Lambo's so upset. I'm glad he left a notice for me but why must he have a sleepover at this time. And which friend's house? I didn't know he had any besides my guardians. At any rate, Isn't he worried about me? Or any of his friends? Natsu frowned. Whatever, no use thinking about this for now. I'll get the answer directly from him when he comes back. I have to focus on the trial for now.

He turned to the still crying cow and heaved a sigh. I still have to deal with this....

He picked the cow up in his arms and patted his back like how a mother would comfort a distress child. He felt so awkward doing this but he seen Tsuna doing this for Lambo whenever he cries, so he thought he give it a try too. Anything to quiet him down.

Lambo's cries slowly tone down into sobs and eventually sniffles.

"Feeling better?" Natsu asked.

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