Face to Face With the Varia

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-Normal POV-

Tsuna awoke with a start. Still groggy from sleep, he looked around his small shelter and wondered where he was.

Oh right. He thought as he recalled the events from yesterday. He crawled out of his shelter and stretched his stiff body. He looked at his watch that reads '5:39' and blew out a breath of relief.

There's still time to go home to change and get my bag before going to school. Wouldn't want to be late. He thought and laughed to himself. I'm living in a forest, miles away from home and I'm still thinking about going to school. That should be the last thing on anyone's mind right now if they have problems like mine.

Newly energized and ready to go, Tsuna jogged back home and went in through the window again to his room. Quietly, he got dressed and packed his laptop, Cielo's outfit and other essentials into a small bag.

Tsuna was about to head out through the window when a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Doors are made for a reason y'know."

Tsuna turned around and sighed. Of course, it had to be Reborn. He have eyes everywhere.

Tsuna remained silent because he didn't have a remark for that. The Hitman eyed him for a while before talking.

"What's that with you?" He pointed to the bag filled with clothes.

"Eh. I'm having a sleepover at a friend's."

"Oh? Which friend? Yamamoto? Gokudera?From what I hear, you don't have any friends besides the 2 of them in school right?"

Ouch! That chibi doesn't mince his words.

Tsuna resist the urge to glare at him for his insulting remark. Instead he shrugged his shoulders casually.

"FYI, I do have some that I don't talk about and they're not from Namimori Middle. Now if you'll excuse me, I have school to attend."

Well, this is kinda true if you count Rosso and some other people I've meet online.

Instead of heading out the window as he planned, he walked out through the door. He didn't want to make Reborn more suspicious of his behavior now. Luckily, it was still early, so everyone in the house is still sleeping to his relief.

But right as he exited the house, Reborn had to have one last word.

"Oi Aho-Tsuna."

"What?" He almost growled out.

"You have leaves and twigs in your hair." Reborn smirked.

Tsuna swore and frantically patted his hair to get rid of the leaves and dried twigs stuck in his hair.


He spent the next few days alone, sneaking in and out of his house, living in the forest and going to school. Occasionally he still see Ryohei around doing his morning roadwork, along with a small infant carried by a bird. But other than that, he didn't see anyone else in school or outside, not even Natsu.

Guess Reborn must be tor-tutoring him right now. Hope he can at least be a decent fighter after all this. Tsuna thought was a deep sigh as he proceeded towards school.

He was the first few in class and he went to his seat and slumped down into it. After a while, students starts to stream in, including his brother and his friends for the first time in a while.

Something gleamed and Tsuna noticed that Natsu had the Vongola half ring strung on a chain around his neck, same with Yamamoto. Gokudera had his worn proudly on his finger.

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