The Start of Another Conflict

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Thanks for all comments so far! I seriously love you guys out there! I wanna give you all a great big hug!!<3
It's 5am here and I'm going craaaazzzzzy from lack of sleep!! Hahahahahas!!Here's another chapter for you guys!! Enjoy!!!


-Tsuna's POV-

I crawled through my window and into my bed exhausted.

Ahhh!! I can't believe I attacked my own brother!!! What was I thinking?!

My Cielo persona really gets overboard when I get too into the character I'm playing. Back then, I think it was necessary to scare him a bit, to teach him that there are stronger people out there that are willing to kill him without a second thought. And he better watch that mouth of his if he doesn't want to piss off anyone, especially those stronger than him.

But now, back to normal Tsuna, I panicked over how I treated Natsu then.

Noooo!!! I'm such a bad brother!!

Lambo stirred a little as I got into bed with him. Still sleeping, he snuggles closer to me while muttering my name.

I smiled at him and felt my eyelids drooping. I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.


The next few days pass by normally and finally the weekends are here. Normally, most people would spend their weekends with their family, like on a picnic or the park, etc. But no way am I going to be stuck in the house with them, it's too suffocating to do so. So sneaking out from my window, I went to the nearby park. I sat on the bench and stared at the sky as I watch the time slowly past.

I'm a coward for running away but I'm too tired to face them right now.....


-Normal POV-

"YO Natsu!" Yamamoto greeted the sleepy teen still in his pajamas.

"Eh. Why are you here so early on a Sunday morning?" Natsu yawned.

"We came to pick you up!" The raven-hair teen smiled.

"We?" Natsu was puzzled but he tilt his head and saw Gokudera was standing by the gate with a scowl on his face.

Natsu scowled back at him.

"Quickly get dress so we can go meet the girls. They are waiting for us at the cafe." Yamamoto said.

So Kyoko-chan is coming too. At least that makes it worth coming along, otherwise I wouldn't want to hang out with a bunch of guys in a cafe on a Sunday. Natsu smirked but then turn back to a scowl when Yamamoto ask.

"So, where's Tsuna? I wanted to invite him too. The girl wanted him to come along too."

"Who knows. He's always not around whenever Tou-san is back. That coward." Natsu said and went back inside the house to change.

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