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Okay. That last chapter was the last. I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED THIS STORY!!! AHHHH!! I'm so satisfied right now. I really hope you guys enjoyed it till the end. The video in the previous chapter is my fav song of KHR. The lyrics are so meaningful and it was sung by the trio which makes it even more beautiful! KHR is the best anime I've ever watched and will always be the best. That's why I could only write fanfics for this and not for any other anime. :3

I know there are a lot of grammar mistakes plus some plot holes (trust me, it frustrates me a lot too) and so I'm gonna have to edit it. Wow, just thinking of editing 79 chapters gives me a headache. Lols.

Thanks for all the fans who have been reading this from the very beginning and following me throughout this long journey. I never thought this story would be so long but I quite satisfied with how it turned out. I do have 1 last chapter to write though, it's half written but it's a side chapter. But as of now, this fanfic; 'A Second Chance' is completed.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I have a side story to this written up too. It's called: 'The Lost Elements Without A Sky.' It'll be publish in a new book because continuing in this one will be too long. Also, do check out my other works, especially 'I Didn't Ask for this Life', it's another KHR story.

With that said, here is an short Omake that I wrote when I wrote a chapter, 2 chapters back. I hope you enjoy! Till next time. <3


"Is it safe though?" I questioned.

"Nonsense! It's perfectly safe as long as I'm around! The worse that could happen would be if I carelessly send your consciousness to the wrong parallel universe and lose you there, but I'm not that clumsy so don't worry~" He said that all with a silly grin on his face which makes it all the more scarier.

"Okay...I trust you Byakuran...."

Famous last words ever said.


The land laid in front of me was barren and devoid of life. The buildings-or what's left of it-were in a run down state, dangerous for anyone to live in. Far away in the distance, I can see a brightly illuminated city, a huge contrast compared to the area where I'm standing.

"Where the hell am I? This is not Namimori!" I yelled out loud.

But I was left to my own thoughts as there's no one around to answer my growing questions.

I suddenly recalled what Byakuran said about the risk of using the machine and deduced that that must be what happened to me right now.

'Damn that marshmallow freak!' I seethed.

I was so angry that I wasn't aware of my surroundings. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by countless people wearing cloaks, with strips of cloth wrapped around their faces to hide their identity.

I didn't sense any hostility from them only cautiousness. Before I could say anything, one person came up and suddenly grabbed my hands tightly.

"Tsuna! I can't believe you're alive!" She sighed in relief as her eyes teared up.


She nodded her head as she began unwrapping the cloth around her face, revealing a 14 years old Kyoko-chan that I don't recognize. Her face is still the same, with a few exceptions. Like that scar running down from her left cheek to her chin. Her eyes were hard unlike her usual soft ones and filled with resolve. I can tell she has seen some things that aren't pretty.

"Tsuna." She called me in a authoritative tone. "We need your help. Come fight with us."

'Oh no. Not another 'problem that the current Tsuna can't solve and needs me to step in' situation again!'

Ignoring everyone surrounding me, I turned my head to the heavens, not caring about anything anymore and yelled:


After that declaration, I swore I heard a soft whimper somewhere and gave a satisfied smirked to myself.

A Second Chance (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now