A New Beginning

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-Parallel Tsuna's POV-

It's been a month since I've returned and yet, nothing seemed to have changed. Tou-san is still constantly gone, Kaa-san does talk to me but she always avoids having any eye contact and Natsu-nii is......

I don't know how he is. I don't even know how he was before.

I plopped onto my bed and sighed.

I thought things might have changed after the whole parallel switch thing but it seems like it's all still the same. I'm still the same.

'Just what can I do?'

"What do you want to do then Bambino?" A voice shook me out of my thoughts and I jolted upright from the bed.

An infant wearing a fedora stood at the door with an all-knowing smirk on his face. Looking at him really pisses me off. If I recall correctly, he's suppose to be Natsu-nii's tutor and torturer.

I scowled. "Don't call me a child."

"Then stop acting like one." He replied without missing a beat as if he expected me to say that.

I pouted, and then realized I was acting like how a child would act when he called me that.

I sighed. 'I'm playing right into the little hitman's hands....'

I considered ignoring him but then that'll be me running away from my problems I didn't want to face again. Besides, isn't the hitman's job a tutor? Maybe he could bestow some holy wisdom from that little messed up head of his?

"Hm? What do you have in mind?" He asked.

'Is my mind that easy to read?'

"Yes it is. I heard that you have an excellent poker face but I guess he was exaggerating when he said that. Your facial expression is giving away your thoughts." He smirked.

I quickly slapped my face with both hands to calm my cheek muscles.

What the hitman said was true. I do have a excellent poker face that I spent years mastering. And yet why can't I hide my feelings now? Is it because I spend too long without a body? Thus now I can't even control simple acts like my facial expressions?

"Well? Isn't there something you want to ask?"

"I......" I started but the words wouldn't come. Is it that difficult to ask for help from others?

'Come on! It's just a simple question!' I scolded myself and yet, my mouth refuses to work.

"Hm." The hitman seemed to notice my predicament. "Well, call me again when you finally found the words you want to say. I'll be there." He said with a stone-face expression but I noticed a hint of a smile in it. I'm guessing he purposely let me see that otherwise a hitman like him wouldn't smile so warmly for others. But why would he do that? I just don't get it.


The sounds of laughter penetrated the thin walls into my room. I heard the voices of Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei and Natsu chattering downstairs.

'They seemed to be having fun.' I thought and the familiar pang of loneness in my chest. I thought I've gotten used to that by now but ever since coming back alive again has made me weak.

I considered heading downstairs to join them but my legs wouldn't move because the sudden thought of having to interact with people stops me. Am I even welcomed? What if they shun me? What do I even say?

Questions bombarded my head. Questions that I have no answers for. 'Maybe it'll be better to just stay in my room....' and easier. For them and for me.

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