Last A/N I SWEAR!!!

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Hey readers!

Welp, this is the last I'll be posting on this book. That previous chapter is one I've been wanting to write for a looooongggg time but never got to finish it before till now. It's parallel Hibari's backstory on how he met parallel Tsuna and later on, how he met the original Tsuna and his thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed reading it!

Well, I'm finally officially done with this story. I know I said it before but now I'm REALLY done with it. Thank you for reading and accompanying me on this long journey.

Love ya and keep reading! <3


PS: Watch the video!! The singers are the VA of the KHR cast. They're so damn amazing!! I never fangirl so hard when I hear everyone sing, especially Gokudera's VA!! And Tsuna's VA is a woman but her voice is so low and sexy.(//∇//) KHR is the best, no matter how many years past by, still my top fav anime of all time!! Ahhhhh!!!!\(^ω^)/


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