Devil's Child

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-Tsuna's POV-

I woke up before sunrise. Thanks to the spartan training of Reborn, my sleep cycle will never be the same again but right now, I'm thankful for that as I don't have to face them just yet.

I quietly went downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone. They are still my parents and brother even if they don't act like it so I decided to prepare their breakfast too. After breakfast, I got dressed in my Namimori uniform, got my bag and took off in a jog. I have 2 hours to spare before school starts and I spent my time exercising my frail body that my parallel self didn't do, plus all the time in the hospital didn't help my body at all. It was thin and weak. If Reborn sees me now, he'll force me through his spartan training again and I definitely do not want to go through that again. Going through that multiple times in my previous life was enough for me, thank you very much.

When I reached the gates of Namimori Middle, I was drench in sweat and huffing.

'This weak body of mine is really inconvenient! I could have run full lap of the school and not even break a sweat but now, just a small jog to the school and I can't even breathe properly. I need some serious training....'

While still trying to catch my breath, my HI started ringing in my head, telling me something dangerous is coming my way. I barely dodged by a hair's breadth the first object before something hard came towards my head again. Instinctively, I raise both arms to protect my head and block whatever's coming.

"Wow." Someone said and I slowly look up to see a metal tonfa in front of me.

"Eiiieeeee!!!" I exclaimed and fell on my butt. 'If Reborn could see me now, he'll definitely kill me. He'll say something like "A mafia boss must always be on guard at all times. Let your guard down, and you're dead." Great.....Now I sound like him.....'

"Hn. Herbivore, you're not that bad."

"Thanks." I muttered as I got off my butt and look at the person who attacked me.

'Wait.....It's Hibari Kyoya!How could I forget that he's here every morning!!'

I struggled to say something to him but he beat me to it.

"Wait, aren't you Sawada Tsunayoshi?" He asked.

"U-um yes?" I stammered, unsure of where this was going.

"So you're awake and you can talk now. Good for you. Maybe not so good for the town, now that the devil's child is back. Hn. I hope you spare with me again." Hibari smirked and walked away.

'What? Devil's child? What was that?' I didn't hear anything like that in my parallel self's memories, though it was weird that some part of his memories were in bits and pieces but I try not to pry because I felt that it was already enough that I know of his secrets and pain, I don't need to know any more if he doesn't want to show.

In any case, I better lay low till I figure out what I should do here in this world. I've met Kyoya again, and that feeling in my chest was indescribable. I almost wanted to hug him right then but manage to control myself from doing so. It would be too weird if I did that. I haven't seen my guardians for so long ever since before my death. They were all out on different missions and when the war happened, I didn't want to inform them of it and tried to take care of it by myself.

Thinking back on it now, that was a very foolish thing to do and I bet right now, they are more angry than sad at me for doing something so stupid. I know it was stupid, but I couldn't help it. That war was a dangerous one, it was a war we have never seen in ages and I couldn't bring myself to bring them in into something so dangerous. I thought I could take care of it by myself through making an alliance with them but that was naive of me to do so. And the outcome was this.

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