Onward to Battle!

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-Tsuna's POV-

The land was barren with weeds overtaking the area. The only signs of any human being around was the footprints found in the soil which Tsuna used to track the others.

He approached the hole in the ground and saw someone tied up and unconscious.

Poor Ken....Just how many rocks did they throw at you?

But on another hand, I'm glad they manage to get past this part.

I continued on my way towards the large building, following the footprints that led me to a open area that has been devastated by the aftermath of a battle. Yamamoto lay unconscious under a tree with his bat by his side. He had bruises all over his body and his clothes were dirty with mud.

My heart squeezed painfully at the sight of him.

Seeing my friends beaten up and unconscious like that is not something I want to witness a second time. And knowing that I could have prevented it made it even worse.

The only thing I can do right now is to treat his wounds as best as I can.

I knelt down beside him and willed out my sun flames. Since my dominant flame is the Sky flames, calling out the other elements needs more concentration and effort to do.

I felt my power being drained out of me as I placed my hands coated with yellow flames over most of Yamamoto's serious wounds and watch as it slowly closes up.

He stirred a little as he regain consciousness for a while and stared at me with unfocused eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll get you healed in no time. Just rest for now." I tried to assure him. He nodded and close his eyes, sleep taking over him again.

Once most of it has healed, I blew out a breath of relief and wiped my sweaty forehead with my arm. Some of Yamamoto's color has returned to his face and he looked a lot better now. Now it's only a matter of time till he wakes up.

I stood up and turned to go. But my legs wobbled as I stood and my sight went blurry for a split second.

Damn....I must have used too much of my flames. But still, I have to go. I don't want anyone to get hurt if I can help it.

Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath and went on my way, walking quickly towards the run down building.

If they had past this part, most likely Natsu has managed to defeat Lanchia-san, though I don't seem to see him anywhere.

They are getting closer to Mukuro soon, I have to hurry. I pushed myself to walk faster despite the throbbing pain in my head that suddenly appeared.


The walls of the building shook and tiny bits of debris came raining down on me. I heard a loud crushing sound coming from upstairs and I ran full speed towards it.

The battle must have started. Im too late!

I ran up the stairs but stopped myself at the last second from throwing myself into the room. I peeked from the stairway and saw the horrible sight that I witness years ago.

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