The Bonds of A Family

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-Tsuna's POV-

"GHOST!!!" Natsu screamed and fell backwards. My parallel self quickly caught him before he hit the ground and glared at me with an irritated expression. It seems like he knew who I am now. After all, I did meet him once before as my adult self at the beginning, so he should be able to recognize me.

"Awww.... He was so cool when he tried to protect his brother, but then he had to go faint like that. Pretty pathetic, don't you think?" Byakuran sniggered in my head.

'Don't be so mean. I would freak out too if I see a ghost in front of me.' I chided.

"So you admit you're a ghost?" Byakuran laughed.

'NO! I just looked like one so he freaked out. Now stop teasing both me and him and explain why is it that only those two can see me and not the others?' I asked in my head.

"Well, I try not to meddle too much into the other parallel worlds. But since it is necessary for you to talk to your parallel self, I made it so that only he can see you. I'm not sure why his brother can too though. Perhaps it's because they're twins? Either way, the less interactions with people from parallel worlds, the better."

'Oh? Speaking from experience?' I couldn't help but tease.

I didn't get to hear his reply because my parallel self marched up to me, stepping over his passed out brother on the ground.

"How are you here? And why are you here?"

'Why does he seem so angry at me?'

"Hello again. I heard that you're not doing well and came to see you." I waved.

He still seems mad but gave a resigned sigh.
"Did Byakuran tell you that?"

"Uh...Yeah." I muttered, not sure what he's trying to get at.

"Byakuran needs to stop peeping into my life..." He mumbled.

"He's just concerned. We all are."

"Well, I don't need your concern. I've been living my life like this ever since I was young. I'm grateful that you saved me from the Arcobaleno's curse and even managed to change my jerk-of-a brother but I appreciate it if you don't meddle into my life anymore." He looked into my eyes and gave a sly smile. "Besides, didn't Byakuran say that two parallel worlds are not supposed to interact? Why is he breaking his own rules? And more than once?"

I heard Byakuran gave a small 'Eep!' in my head but he didn't have any counter argument to that.

"Look. He's just concerned about you. Even to the point he's willing to break the rules to help you. He knows he's not supposed to interfere with the parallel worlds, but did it anyway because of you. Now, stop being a brat and accept the hand of someone who reached out to help you." I huffed. 'Was I that stubborn when I was young?'

Seems like that shut him up. I notice him looking down in shame as he muttered to himself. "I know I'm being a brat....."

I sighed. "Are you finding it difficult to interact with them?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering me. "I just don't know if I'm welcomed into their circle. I'm not even sure how far I'm allowed to join in with them and I don't know if I deserve to be with them after everything I did...."

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