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-Tsuna's POV-

How long has it been now since I got here? I don't even know anymore. I've been counting down the minutes that slowly turns to hours that finally turns into a day. The days then gradually multiplied and by now, I've already lost count.

Or rather, I don't want to be reminded of how many times he played with my body.

Every single day he'll find some way to invent new ways of torture. Yes, he wanted data on my flames but he also wants to see me suffer. That sadistic psychopath.

Ironically, the only thing that kept me sane was the constant encouragement from Gustavo who's always sneaking in and out of the basement to deliver food for me. That psychopath didn't bother taking care of his prisoners, he only want to use them and see them suffer.

Kaa-san was never awake this whole time. She would stir every now and then but never fully opening her eyes. It's as though some part of her is unconsciously keeping her asleep, so that she can escape this cruel reality before her. I am glad she's unconscious, I don't want her to see me like this, or anyone else for that matter.

I can feel my mind slowly slipping away day by day. With each torture, I felt my sanity lessen, like I'm being thrown into a abyss of never ending agony. I'm trying to hold on but a person can only be this strong you know?


It's been a week since I've been here, or at least I think it is. I don't know.

I could no longer scream or even talk for that matter. I've reverted to being a mute again because my vocal cords are badly damaged from the constant screaming everyday. Alceste looked a little regrettable at not being able to hear my screams anymore, but he settled for just seeing my face contort with pain as he slowly-and painfully-slice into my soft flesh with his scalpel as though slicing a cake.

I've came up with a way to block out the pain through going into a state of semi-consciousness. My body still reacts to the pain inflicted but my mind is elsewhere, somewhere where even the psychopath can't reach. Though it does help a little in keeping my sanity, i have to suffer the backlash of it when I wake up and truthfully, the pain that comes after is unimaginable. But at least there's no one to see me crying out in pain when I'm alone down in the cage.

I'm also no longer bound. There's no need for that anymore. That with how weak I was. I'm like a living rag doll. Unable to move but my mind is still aware of everything happening around me.

A week turned into two. I'm still clinging onto hope that Natsu and the others would come by now. Besides, Natsu's not alone anymore. He have Yuni, Byakuran, Shoichi and Mukuro to aid him now. I'm sure they'll find a way.

I hope....


He injected me with some foul looking liquid today and left me unshackled in the room upstairs. I'm sure he's just watching from the surveillance camera in the room, to see the after effects of his experiments. He must be somewhere in his room right now, on his high-horse, drinking and eating while he watch me suffer. That thought fills me with rage. Rage that helps me gain the temporary strength I needed to show him I cannot be defeated by him. I glared defiantly at the camera, telling him with my burning eyes that I will not be put down by someone of his caliber. All the while, my insides were on fire. My flames raging inside of me. But I put aside the pain and continued with my defiant act.

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