Let's Go Home.

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-Natsu's POV-

One Vindice stepped out of the portal, bringing with them an air of death that surrounded the whole area. On his shoulder was another smaller version of the Vindice.

I tensed up and eyed them warily with a mix of fear and cautiousness. 'What are they here for? They better be here for that psycho and not Tsuna...' Athough I can't think of a reason why they would want my brother, but by now, I'm ready for anymore shocking surprises.

I notice Tsuna also freeze up at the sight of them but I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He threw a worried glance at Mukuro who also seemed very tensed. He gripped his trident tightly and looked ready to fight. His two followers; Ken and Chikusa, stood protectively in front of him, daring the Vindice from stepping closer.

"Peace Vongola." One Vindice member said. "We didn't come here for you today.." That did not assure me at all, same for the others who relaxed a little but still kept their guard up. Tsuna was the only one who completely let his guard down and look at them as if he trust them.

'Why? Have you met them before Tsuna? Why are there so many things I don't know about you till now? What more are you hiding?' I glanced at him sadly. 'Will there ever be a day where I truly understand you?'

A tiny infant with bandages wrapped around his face stepped forward to address us, but his attention was more towards Tsuna.

"We have been after this man for a decade and he has managed to elude us with his space-time technology. But with your help, we have finally managed to corner him in this time. He'll not be able to escape us now."

I notice Reborn eyeing the infant with suspicion in his eyes and frowned. 'Does Reborn know him? They do kind of look alike. Both small and powerful....'

Two more Vindice members came out of the portal and they along with the first person who spoke, surrounded the Tartaruga's boss in an instant.

I was amazed by their power and agility. One moment they are there and the next, they appear someplace else. Despite their strange appearances, they are a force to be feared. I can't believe I once stupidly talked back to them. I now know that I shouldn't ever judge people by their appearances. I mean, just look at Tsuna. Nobody could ever guess that he just took down a bunch of mafia men on his own plus take on the mad boss single handedly.

An explosion shook me out of my thoughts as I focus my attention to the battle unfolding before my eyes. Though, it was not really a battle, more of a one-sided struggle from the mafia boss.

The Vindice have him right where they want him. They surrounded him and threw out their chains at him. He dodged two of the chains but couldn't dodge the third one as it coiled around his arm, ensnaring him. The Vindice pulled and Alceste got tugged forward. He dug his feet into the ground to find purchase and steeled himself from getting pulled along further. He couldn't break the chains as it looks like it is no ordinary chain.

"No..No...No..." He chanted under his breath. He was slowly losing his tug-of-war against the Vindice and he knew it too.

"NO!" With a shout, an eruption of black ominous flames burst forth from him, blowing all of us back a few feet. Even the Vindice jumped back to avoid getting hit by the flames.

"What the hell is this flame?!" I yelled. It was so uncomfortable being in it's presence and the feeling it's giving out feels like death.

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