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-Normal POV-

"REBORN! I'll beat you like my life depends on it!!" Natsu shouted.

Tsuna watched as Reborn shot his brother with the Dying Will Bullet but he knew that it won't be enough to take Squalo down.

Superbi Squalo is a skilled assassin with tons of experience whereas Natsu combat abilities are questionable at best.

Natsu is going to lose, that's for sure and i can't do anything like this. Tsuna thought. But Cielo can...

Both Yamamoto and Gokudera went towards Natsu to help but in just a minute, they were both down and unconscious.

Tsuna decided to quickly act. He quietly snuck away from everyone and put on his mask.

Ever since the Kokuyou fight, he had been carrying his mask everywhere he goes in case any situation like this comes up. Though he couldn't manage to bring his cloak with him and he also forgotten his voice changer, he'll just have to improvise.

He notice a table cloth lying on the floor from when the table is tipped over and pulled it out. It was dark brown and had checkerboard patterns on it. He put it over my shoulders to make a makeshift cloak. Taking a look at his reflection at a window, he notice how ridiculous he looked.

Well, beggars can't be choosers. He thought. As long as it help conceals my body from others.

Grabbing the box filled with the fake rings from the unconscious Basil. He ran towards the fight.

Natsu was losing, anyone could see that. Bruises spotted his body and he was bleeding from the cuts inflicted upon him by Squalo. Whereas Squalo didn't even have a scratch on him, he was clearly dominating Natsu.

Reborn could only watch on the fight, unable to interfere if anything happens to his student. He wanted to believe that his student could overcome this fight but the probability of it is low--very low. He tighten his hands into a fist and could only hope Natsu manage to pull through this by his own willpower.

He was too occupied with the fight in front of him that he didn't see a shadow flashing by him and towards the fight.

The two fighters broke apart, Natsu trying to catch his breath while Squalo not even winded at all. Natsu's dying will flame slowly die out and he slumped onto the floor exhausted.

"I heard that the Decimo is a Japanese kid and if that's you, then I'm disappointed. Sure, you have the Vongola insignia on your gloves and the Sky Flame but that's it. There's nothing impressive about you at all. This fight will be an easy one." Squalo smirked and ran forward to deliver a blow to Natsu but before he could get there, a tanto flew past his face, embedding the concrete floor beside his feet.

"VOII! Who did that!?"

"Opps. Sorry. Hand slipped." A silhouette
appeared in an alleyway near them.

"Who the hell are you!? Don't interfere with my fight!" Squalo yelled at the figure.

Reborn squint at the figure, catching a glint of his silver fox mask on his face.

"Cielo. Fancy seeing you here." He said in a suspicious tone.

Cielo didn't reply but did a silent mock bow at them.

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