The Arcobaleno Trials: Reborn's Trial

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-Normal POV-

Something was bugging Natsu about Aria. The last conversation they had before they got attacked lingered in his mind. He knew she wasn't telling him the whole story but she didn't seem to be lying either.

The answer was somewhere in the back of his mind but he couldn't reach it. He tried hard to recall the conversation he had with Aria during their first meeting this morning.

"Eh! You're the missing Sky Arcobaleno?! But you're normal-sized!"

"Nice to meet you Sawada Natsume, next head of the Vongola."

"I'm Aria. I've come to administer your next trial, Natsume-kun."

Natsu suddenly had a shocking revelation. It's like a lightning bolt struck him on his head and the answer became clear.

Throughout the whole time, Aria did not state that she was the Sky Arcobaleno. I was the one who made the assumption in the first place when I saw her orange pacifier and she did not correct me. Why didn't she? My intuition told me that she's not the Sky Arcobaleno but yet she administered the trial. Is there a reason she needed to do that? Is it to hide the real Sky Arcobaleno from danger? Natsu was having a headache over this. Reborn should know!

Natsu went into his room and found the infant standing at the window sill.

"Reborn.." He started but Reborn cut him off.

"Natsu, your next trial is with me."


"Bring all your guardians to Namimori Island. That includes Lambo." And with that, Reborn hopped out of the window, leaving Natsu in a state of disbelief.


Natsu relayed the words from Reborn to the rest and they gathered late into the night at the docks. They took the boat out and climbed into it before rowing towards their final destination for their trial; Namimori Island.

Nobody spoke. There was only silence in the air. Everyone's deep in their own thoughts. They all know that Reborn's the strongest Arcobaleno out of the 7, how are they going to beat that monster if it ever comes down to a fight? They prayed that it won't be a fight but knowing Reborn, chances are it is.

I'm surprised that Hibari even came here and that Mukuro even let Chrome take his place today. Natsu mused.

Hibari is in a different boat with Ryohei, he wouldn't want to be caught crowding with them but he also didn't want to row the boat, leaving it to the boxer.

Chrome is on the same boat as Natsu. She was holding the sleeping Lambo in her arms, cradling him gently. The half-mist guardian is usually quiet but today she did not say a word at all, all the while, worry and discomfort is shown on her face. Natsu didn't want to ask why. The tense atmosphere was full of trepidation. Plus his HI was ringing in his head like crazy and his stomach was doing weird flip-flopping things that made him want to hurl. He prayed that this trial would end peacefully.

But that was just wishful thinking. This will definitely not end well..... Natsu thought in despair. Judging by everyone's grim faces, they might also have the same thought.

They reached the Island and got off, heading towards where the beast awaits.

Stay on your guard Natsume. Reborn's seriously going to go all out on you.... Aria thought as she observed from the distance. She decided to stay and observed the rest of the trials in Tsuna's place. She was sure Tsuna would want that.

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