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-Normal POV-

Tsuna ended his story with a sad smile. For a moment, no one spoke. The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable. Everyone was quiet as they tried to sort out their thoughts and feelings. Even Tsuna.

When Tsuna started telling his tale, he felt like the cap of his memories were popped open. It swirled around his mind, formed into words and flows out from his mouth. He didn't have a clear understanding of parallel Tsuna's past during the incident then but now he did. He felt like his memory was purposely concealed because it was too painful to remember. At least it was for parallel Tsuna.

Tsuna didn't know what to think. He felt like he just intruded into someone's privacy and dug out their secrets, along with the pain and suffering. And now he is suffering the consequences of it.

He can feel all the emotions that parallel Tsuna felt then. He was scared, angry, in pain and hopeless. He had a million thoughts swirling around in his head that it gave him a headache.

The story he just told them was an heavily edited one of course. He couldn't tell them that parallel Tsuna carry weapons around and that he knew how to fight. He also edited the part about the flames and the death of the CEDEF agent, changing it to arson by an unknown person. But he told Reborn the most important part of the story which was the two men he saw. The same men who burned his throat and left him for dead.

"This is all my fault!" Natsu abruptly stood up and yelled. "They were obviously looking for me and kidnapped you instead! And this was not the first time it happened. Why?!" He looked at Tsuna with tears in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I could have done something. I could have--" His words trailed off and his shoulders slumped.

"N-no....I wouldn't have done anything. I would have been happy that you'd be gone. I would have cheered. I would ha--"

Tsuna stopped his rumbling with a hug. He softly whispered into his ear the words that he needed to hear. "Stop. Stop blaming yourself for your past mistakes. You've changed. So stop looking back at the past and focus on what you should be doing for the future. Didn't you want to be depend on Natsu-nii? At this rate, I think I'm the mature one." Tsuna teased.

Natsu playfully pushed him away. "S-shut up! I'll show you I can be mature too! So you better depend on me too!" With those words, Natsu bashfully stomped away.

"Haha...I do depend on you too Natsu-nii. More than you'll ever know." Tsuna whispered while he stared after him.

Reborn sat at the sidelines, silently observing the two mismatch twins. Dame-Natsu is changing and that's a good sign. However, for Aho-Tsuna, he seemed to have something that is constantly weighing on his mind. No matter how much I force him to talk, it won't be the same if he continues to keep things to himself.


"Hey Reborn? Could I have a word with you...alone?" Tsuna nervously asked the hitman.

"Sure." Reborn eyed the boy. It seems like he have something important to say. "I'd also like to say a few words to you too."

Tsuna sat down opposite of the hitman and fidgeted in his seat. Reborn continued to sip his espresso slowly, waiting for the boy to speak.

"So....Um....the other day...did Cielo tell you something weird?" Tsuna asked nervously. He was really unsure of how to start this conversation.

He couldn't just start the conversation with: "Hey, I'm Cielo." Or "You know the guy that always aggravates you? Yeah. That's me." Both were equally bad and will definitely get him killed by the chibi hitman.

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