Another Precognition

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-Tsuna's POV-

I waited for Natsume to go to school together but the way to school was awkward and the atmosphere was suffocating.

"U-um Reborn? Where's Yamamoto and Gokudera?" I asked.

"Oh, them? I asked them to stay away for the time being till you 2 are getting along fine. You'll still see them in school though. So stop looking so horrified." Reborn smiled at my expression.

How long do I have to endure this! Till we're 'friends'? I just don't see that happening as much as I hope it to.

But Reborn seemed to made up his mind about it and I knew better than to question him on his methods or even run away from it.

I just have to bare with it and see what happens.

When we reached school, Natsume left for his class without a word and I proceeded to mine.

Well, at least we're in different classes. I need a breather.

Yamamoto and Gokudera greeted me when I sat down at my seat.

"I'm so sorry Tsuna-sama! I wanted to escort you and Juudaime to school today but because of Reborn-san orders, I can't!" Gokudera yelled and bowed his body 90, his head slamming onto the table.

I winced at that. "Gokudera please raise your head, I understand and I don't mind so don't be sorry."

Gokudera lifted his head and I could see a large red bump on his forehead but he smiled and yelled. "Thank you so much Tsuna-sama!"

"Haha~ Glad it all worked up huh, Hayato?" Yamamoto laughed.

Before Gokudera could retort back, the Nezu-sensei came in.

"Alright class. Homeroom's about to start so sit at your seats and be quiet."

Everyone sat back down and I went back to staring into the skies, wishing Nezu-sensei would end his nonsensical speech about being an elite soon.

Before I knew it, I had my head on the table, Nezu-sensei's voice lulling me to sleep.

It was dark. I couldn't see anything. But it wasn't pitch black, it seemed like purple smoke was obscuring my vision. I saw a blurry image of a young boy but all I could make out was a long white striped scarf around his neck. He was kneeling on the floor, with his hands covering his face. I heard him sobbing.

I tried to get closer to him but I know it was futile. I can never control any of these dreams coming to me, I could only watch helplessly as the images flashes by.

He disappeared and next I saw several people collapsed on the floor, blood seeping out from their wounds. The place they were at seemed like some sort of theater. Before I could get a second look, the image quickly vanish and was replaced by the purple mist again. But this time I heard a sound that I was familiar with.

"Kufufu~" the sound echoed through the dream realm till I was so tired and irritated of listening to it.

Hurry up and wake up! I don't want to hear anymore of this!! I might go crazy soon! I yelled inside my head.

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