Battle for the Rings: Intermission

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-Normal POV-

Reborn was pissed. He was vexed at a certain blond headed idiot who forgot to inform him of the situation at hand. He FORGOT. What kind of pathetic excuse is that for a CEDEF boss?

He was not happy to be the last one to know about Nono's whereabouts. Nono apparently knew danger was coming and had gone into hiding. No, it was not his plan but this idiot's. He had persuaded Nono to go underground for a while while Xanxus went on his rampage in Italy. Xanxus didn't manage to capture Nono to be used for the Mosca so he capture someone close to Natsu instead. Iemitsu doesn't care when he heard Tsuna was the one captured and used. But he was certainly worried for his missing wife.

All the while during the battle for the rings, Iemitsu was with Nono-hiding and protecting him. But now that the situation is almost over, he decided to poke his cowardly head out of the ground and assess the situation.

Reborn really wanted to hit him on the head hard. Hard enough to make him go unconscious for weeks or months. But no, he still needed him to stay with Nono for now. So Reborn stilled his hand and calmly listened to Iemitsu's briefing of the whole situation.

Seems like Nono never changed his mind about wanting Natsu to be the Decimo. He even wanted to include Tsuna to the candidates which Iemitsu strongly disapproves. Reborn wanted to disapprove for a different reason. After what the little brunette had just went through, he didn't want to make him suffer more than he already had.

It's been 5 hours of waiting now. Reborn had overseen Natsu's training and left him there on his own to train while he came back here to check on Tsuna. He can't help feeling bad for the boy. Sure, he was a little strange and mysterious at times, but no 14 year old boy should have to go through so much pain.

The Gola Mosca had drained him like a battery till he was almost dead. Still, during this incident Reborn confirmed 2 things. One, Tsuna does indeed have Sky flames and two, he have powerful ones as seen when the Mosca fought against Natsu.

After he wakes up, maybe I should train him to get stronger. It's for his own good. Otherwise he'll just be a burden to Natsu if he keeps getting kidnapped. Reborn thought. I could train him to be the next CEDEF head.....I'm sure he will do a better job than the current one but I'm sure someone won't approve of it....I need to consult with Nono alone.

Nono was currently somewhere in Japan right now. But Iemitsu wouldn't tell Reborn where it was in case someone overheard. Reborn's finger twitched when he remembered that. He almost pulled out his gun at him then and there but barely managed to restrain himself.

Natsu's guardians were all napping sprawled out over the benches and some on the floor. Hibari was leaning against the wall far from the others, his eyes closed but Reborn can tell he was awake.

Surprised he even stayed that long... Reborn though with amusement. Tsuna....He have Sky flames too, no wonder everyone was so attracted to him. It may be his doing that resulted in Natsu finding his guardians.

Tsuna must have helped Natsu behind the scenes numerous times in order for Natsu to have his guardians by his side today. And yet his reward is this....Fate must be so unkind to him.

The door to the ER finally opened and Dr Shamal stepped out with a grim look on his face.

This can't be good... Reborn thought and kicked everyone awake except for Hibari who was already in front of the Doctor,demanding answers.

"How's the omnivore?" He demanded.

The rest woke up from the pain Reborn delivered, quickly got up and asked the Doctor the same thing.

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