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-Tsuna's POV-

"Kaa-san! Kaa-san!!" I called out to her repeatedly from where I'm caged. I don't know if my voice reached her or maybe she's in a worse condition than I thought. The Tartaruga boss did mention she's been here for a long time already and I can only imagine how torturous it was to be stuck here with this mad man. Being surrounded by constant deaths and screams all around would drive anyone insane.

I called out to her desperately till my throat started to hurt but still I don't want to stop. I needed to know if she's alright, if she's still with me.

"Kaa-san!" I called again but this time I noticed movement. A slight one but that instilled hope into me. I was about to call out to her again when I heard sounds coming from the stairs.

"Kaa-san, kaa-san, kaa-san!" He imitated my cries. "Just shut up already! It's annoying!"

Two men came down the stairs and I immediately recognized their faces. It was the two men who tried to kidnap the parallel me years ago.

As they step closer towards me, unpleasant memories started surfacing in my mind. My throat started to burn uncomfortably and I grabbed it wondering what caused this sudden pain. There was no injuries but the burning pain was present which shouldn't be because it should have healed from the sun pills I got from Shamal. But the pain was unmistakable. I found myself unable to speak and even breathing was difficult. My lungs refused to work as it should.

Am I hyperventilating?

Fear started to bubble up from inside of me even though this should be my first time meeting these two. So why am I so fearful of someone I've never met?

Pictures flashed through my mind-memories to be exact-parallel me's memories. I'm experiencing his fear and his helplessness he felt back then through his memories. It must have been a traumatic experience for him.

The tall one stared at me with a smirk and I knew he saw the fear in my eyes despite my attempts to suppress it.

He laughed-a crude and unkind sound to my ears.

"I see you still remember."

I tried to suppress the memories down, along with the fear. It's not mine. I kept reminding myself of that.

'I'm not afraid of them. This is not my memories.'

I kept repeating this over and over in my head, like a mantra.

It seemed to have worked and I took a deep breath to calm myself down before lifting my head to stare eye to eye at them. Eyes showing resolve instead of fear.

They seem a little taken aback by my new calm demeanor. I guess they were delighted to see me scared. But I'm not giving them the satisfaction of that again.

The big one-Gustavo-nudge the tall one to get his attention.

"Aniki, we shouldn't be down here. He said not too." Gustavo whispered in a harsh tone. He seemed afraid of something.

Said 'Aniki'-or rather Evaldo as my parallel self's memories provided me with that information-shot a look of annoyance at the shorter male.

"Who the F*ck cares what he think. I take orders from him but I don't follow him. There's a difference Gust. Our loyalty doesn't lie with him nor in the Tartaruga Famiglia." He smack Gustavo in the head. But the other guy just smiled.

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