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-Normal POV-

"OOF!" Cielo felt the air rushed out of him as he was caught in a bone crushing hug.

"Natsu my son!! I've heard you won the battle! I'm so proud of you!! Let daddy give you a kiss for your victory!" The idiot blonde known as Iemitsu started to bend down to kiss his 'son'.

Oh HELL NO!! Cielo struggled in the man's grasp but failed to get out of it. He looked at Reborn who was watching with amusement in his eyes. Cielo desperately mouthed 'help me' but Reborn pretended not to notice and smirked.

Damn demon baby. Cielo frowned and took matters into his own hands.

"Get off." He said in a commanding tone. His voice was one filled with authority and power. Iemitsu immediately let off and frowned when he realized who he was holding a moment ago.

He looked confused as he pointed at Cielo. "I could have sworn I saw Natsu in the distance. Your height and structure is almost identical to his."

"Then you need to get your eyes checked. It's dark, so you must have saw wrong." Cielo causally shrugged his shoulders and positioned Natsu on his back properly.

Iemitsu noticed Natsu on Cielo's back and offered to take him home.

"Alright then." Cielo said as he handed Natsu over. Reborn didn't miss the disappointing tone in his voice as he agreed. "Night then. Cya Reborn." He waved and disappeared into the night.


He didn't really want to go home but since everything had been settled, Reborn and the others will most likely realize him missing from his room so he had to return to avoid suspicion.

He crawled through his window again, taking off his Cielo outfit and chucking it in a corner. He collapsed onto the bed in exhaustion.

Damn Iemitsu! Just when I was about to reveal the big secret! He stuffed his face into his pillow and rolled around his bed in frustration. Ahhhhh.....!!!

He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. I'm glad the Ring conflict ended without any casualties. Now, I only hope things will stay peaceful around here. He thought and then chuckled to himself. What am I saying? Things are never peaceful here with Reborn around.

I hope I'll get a chance to talk to him again and this time with no disturbances. The longer this goes on, the harder it is for me to tell him. Tsuna thought with determination as he made up his mind to tell him first thing tomorrow.


"Good morning Reborn." Tsuna greeted the baby at the table and serve him his morning espresso.

"G'morning. Haven't seen you around much lately. How have you been?" Reborn asked which startled Tsuna.

I was with you and Natsu the whole time. It's just that you didn't notice. He wanted to say that out loud but before he could, Natsu came rushing down the stairs with a ridiculous bed head.

"AH! I'm late for school! Reborn, why didn't you wake me up!?" Natsu shouted and gulped down his milk Tsuna had served for him and ran towards the door.

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