The Reason Why....

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-3rd Person's POV-

Unbeknownst to the two, a certain Hitman was watching everything that went down in the washroom through the numerous hidden cameras in school. And no, he didn't put any cameras inside, even he knows the limits to one' privacy but witnessed it through the camera placed directly outside the washroom entrance in the hall.

The infant watched the interaction between the two brothers through keen eyes, watching how awkward and stiffed they both are to one another.

'Seems like there's a lot going on between them and as Natsu's home tutor, I have to correct them. How is he going to be a good boss to the familgia if he can't take care of his own family first?'  The hitman thought. 'Now, just how am I going to go about that....'


Tsuna ruffled his hair in frustration. 'What happened today was TOO weird. How long was it that I have a regular conversation with my brother? And I even called him Natsu-nii after so long! Ahhhh!!'

He didn't know how he's going to face him later at home but for now; he decided to focus on something he has wanted to do for a long time ever since he got here.

Quickly informing the teacher that he was feeling unwell, he easily got permission to be excused once the teacher saw his beat-up condition and gave a sympathetic nod.

Tsuna made his way out of the school grounds and towards Namimori Hills, finding an isolated spot far away from anyone or any buildings. For the first time since arriving to this world, he's going to test out his flames. 

He couldn't do it before without the risk of losing control over it or fainting from exhaustion due to his frail and weak body. But now, due to the numerous sparing sessions with Hibari, his body is more or less fit to handle the flames. Too bad he didn't have his gloves or the dying will pills to help accelerate the process but for now, he's confident that he could do it without them; it just won't be as powerful as before. But right now, being able to summon his flames is enough for him.

Closing his eyes and concentrating hard to will the flames into his hand, but failing it on my first try. He tried again and again but still failed to do so. He was about to give up when he suddenly remembered what Reborn said about dying wills.

"Good work dame-Tsuna. You managed to summon your sky flames all on your own. Dying will flames are considered a kind of high density form of energy that resides in everyone. The strength of the flame equals to the strength of the user's resolve. The higher resolve is, the more pure your flame will be.

But remember that these flames are just like a real flame, each have its own destructive properties.

The Sky--which is yours--can assimilate with its surroundings and petrify things.

Next, your guardians' elements:

Storm; disintegration
Rain; tranquility
Sun; Activation
Lightning; Hardening
Cloud; propagation
and lastly Mist; Construction.

You better remember all this dame-Tsuna, I'll test you on it later and if you don't pass, you know what will happen to you, don't you?"

"Eiiiiiieeee!!Hai Reborn!"

'Haha....Those were the days...' He reminisced.

'So resolved huh? How could I forgotten about that. If Reborn knew of this, he'll surely kick me in the head.'

Closing his eyes, he thought of the people he wants to protect. Though, they are not the people he used to know, they are still considered his precious friends and he will do anything he can to protect them. The road ahead will be a tough one, filled with challenges and fights and though he doubts he'll be able to join in any of the future battles, he'll be watching from the sidelines and will step in if needed to, to help them.

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