Battle for the Rings: Sun & Lightning

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-Normal POV-

Natsu and his guardians gathered together at Namimori Middle as instructed. There, the Cervello had already arrived, along with the Varia. Cielo too was present, though he stood far away from both groups. He was only to be the observer of the battles to ensure no foul play was made, nothing more. Well, that's what he tried convincing himself to be.

"Upon strict conference, the battle for the rings have been decided for tonight. The first match is the battle between the Guardians of the Sun."

Both Ryohei and Lussuria assessed one another.

"Ooh.So I'll fighting you boy."

"What a extremely funny haircut." Ryohei commented with no offense intended.

"Thank you for gathering. Now we shall begin. Please look over there." The Cervello directed and everyone turned to look. What they saw left them flabbergasted.

In the middle of the field lies a huge structure that looks at a boxing ring. The ceiling of the ring was filled with numerous stage lights.

"Yeah! The boxing ring is my territory! Bring it on!" Ryohei looks ready to go.

"Awwww....Too bad the boss isn't here to see me fight." Lussuria pouted.

"Well then,could the Guardians of the Sun please come up to the ring." The Cervello announced.

"Well, I'll be going now." Ryohei raise a fist to the sky proudly.

"Wait." Surprisingly, Cielo stopped him.

"What do you want Cielo? I thought you are just here to observe." Natsu scowled.

"Haha~ Don't worry. I'm not doing anything to interfere with the fight. I just want to suggest something that will help boost your morales."

"What is it?" Yamamoto asked, intrigued.

"How about you all form a group circle?"

"Ehh!!" Natsu and Gokudera exclaimed.

"That sounds extremely passionate!! I've always wanted to do that at least once!" Ryohei jumped excitedly.

"Haha~ Let's do it!" Yamamoto grinned.

Ryohei forcefully grabbed everyone by their collars to form a circle. But then realize that Cielo wasn't inside.

"Cielo! Join us!" He called.

"Eh? But I'm not exactly on your side right now. I have no rights." He said the last part under his breath but the boxing captain forcefully pulled him into the circle anyway.

"You suggested it. So you have to join us too!"

Cielo knew there was no getting out of this so he participated with them.

They huddled together, hands on each other's backs with their heads down.

This is awkward......But also so nostalgic..... Cielo thought with a sad smile on his face.

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