Battle for the Rings: Recovery

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-Normal POV-

The first thing Tsuna realized was the presence of multiple people in the room. As soon as he stirred a little, those people came rushing towards him.

He couldn't see because his eyes were still out of focus but he knew who they were. Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, Chrome, Ryohei and Natsu were all here. Even Hibari was too surprisingly, but away from the crowd.

As his eyes focused, he saw everyone's faces. Their faces were all of relief and joy towards their friend's recovery, and he felt his heart swell with emotions.

"Tsuna!Are you alright?How are you feeling?Do you need anything?" Natsu's words rushed out all at once and Tsuna wanted to laugh at how uncharacteristically he's being right now.

This is a new side of Natsu he has never seen. But it's a good side. If only my parallel self could see him now. He thought sadly. Then maybe things wouldn't have happened the way it did.

He still didn't have the energy to talk so he showed his appreciation through his eyes. He looked at each one of them with gratitude in his eyes and smiled.

Seeing his smile, they all relaxed a little and returned it. They could have sworn for a second there, they saw sparkles and a halo on the brunette. Tsuna's smile was an angelic one. Everyone fought the urge to rush forward and envelop the tuna in an tight embrace.

And that's what Natsu did.

Tsuna's breath caught when his brother hugged him. He felt him tremble a little when his arms came around him and he heard soft sniffles.

"Thank you for coming back. Thank you for giving a useless brother like me....a second chance....Thank you....." He whispered to his ears.

Just as fast he had hugged him, he quickly got up and ran out of the room, face red with embarrassment.

The people in the room who witnessed this, all sniggered. Reborn just shook his head and look at the door where his student ran out of.

He needs to stop blushing like a little's a start... He thought and turned his head to the brunette on the bed. I can teach him how to fight, how to defend and I can teach him all the knowledge there is to know to be a boss. But the one thing I can't teach the compassion needed to be a better person. That is something you've taught him even if you didn't mean to. Good work Aho-Tsuna.... He smirked and notice Tsuna looking at him with a small smile on his face, as though he knew what he was thinking. I can't wait to be able to train you once I get Nono's permission.

"Alright alright. Move kids."

Shamal pushed his way pass the group towards Tsuna to check on his condition. And then shooed everyone away for Tsuna to rest.

"Bye Tsuna!! Don't worry, we'll extremely win!" Ryohei yelled and got scolded by Gokudera.

"Shut up Lawn-head! Tsuna-sama's doesn't know about the battles!"

They went on bickering while Yamamoto tried to calm them both down. Their voices slowly faded away till there was silence left in the halls.

Tsuna lay there in silence and sighed.

"Are you not leaving?" He said softly, voice cracking a little when he strain it.

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