The Rain Guardian

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Sorry for that previous crappy chap. Got writer's block. Hahas! But I'll get over it soon!
Anyway! Finally the guardians are starting to gather!its been a slow start but It'll get better soon.(I hope)>~<
Thanks for everyone who reads and comment on my story! Thanks!!<3



-Normal POV-

"EVERYONE! Yamamoto's on the roof and he's gonna jump!!" A student shouted as everyone stood in shock and rush out to the roof.

Tsuna stood up in shock too. He should have knew this was coming but can't believe that idiot brother of his didn't do a thing for Yamamoto even though they were in the same club together!

Aren't they friends? He thought as he rushed up to the roof with Gokudera to find a crowd of students on the rooftop but none of the students made a move towards the Raven-haired teen, standing on the edge of the building on the other side of the fence.

His right arm is in a sling and his gaze was so dull and hopeless.

Many students were shouting their pleas, hoping to stop the impulsive teen from making the wrong decision.

"Hey, this isn't funny man!"

"Yamamoto-Kun! Don't do it!"

"Yamamoto-Kun!!Think about what you're doing!"

But none of the students made their way to stop him.

Well, except for one brunette.

-Tsuna's POV-

I pushed my way to the front of the crowd, ignoring the annoyed shouts of my other classmates who are all doing nothing useful in this situation. Gokudera following close behind me,glaring at whoever that dares to stop me.

Yamamoto turned and looked at me and raised a brow.

"You-you're Natsu's younger brother right? The one they call the 'Devil'."

"What! How dare you call Tsuna-sama a Devil!" Gokudera shouted, clearly he have not heard the rumors since he was living in Italy till a few days ago.

I just stared at the raven-head,thinking about how I should approach this without revealing too much.

Yamamoto gave out a harsh laugh. "Hahaha!So the 'Devil's' here to see me off? Are you here to give me a final push? At least now I know where I'm going! Hahaha~" he laughed like a mad man and covered his eyes with his other uninjured arm.

I winced. Yamamoto's laughter was hollow and broken. It was nothing like the Yamamoto I knew of. Was his burdens in this world so heavy that he couldn't take it anymore and lost it?

I have to stop him.

"Yamamoto." I called and he stopped laughing and turned to me.

"What, what mo-" he stopped his sentence when he looked into eyes.

My eyes, which were usually brown, had turned bright orange,just like how it was when I go into my HDWM.

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