Enter: Marshmallow Addict!

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-Tsuna's POV-

It was very late at night when I finished with my hacking work. Since I couldn't get any work done in the morning because I went out, I have to do it at night.

I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.


I found myself standing in a blank landscape filled with nothing but white.

"Hello?" I called, hoping that someone or something would answer me.

I called out again,hoping for something to happen,anything at all.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened, nothing moved. I sat down in frustration and wondered where the heck am I and why am I even here when suddenly, two hands covered my eyes from behind, blinding me.

"Whaa!!" I exclaimed in shock but wasn't worried because my HI told me it was not an enemy.

"Guess who~" a light, melodic voice said.

I huffed in irritation, knowing who that annoying voice belongs to.

"Let go before I make you." I warned.

"Awww.....You're no fun Tsu-chan." But he did as I said and let go of me. I turned around and look at my said 'attacker'.

A teenager stood before me with white hair, narrow, slanted eyes with a purple tattoo below it and a Cheshire-like smile on his face.

"Hello Tsu-chan! Long time no see! I've missed you!~" Byakuran hugged me tightly, making me struggle to breathe.

"What's going on? How and why are you here, Byakuran? And Let go of me!" I was so confused and I wanted answers from this marshmallow manic now.

"Awww~ Call me Bya-kun like you use to in this other world, Tsu-chan!~" Byakuran let go of me and danced back a few steps before I could hit him.

"Explain now." I demanded. I crossed my arms and glared at him, releasing my deathly aura to show that I'm serious and I don't want anymore bullsh*t from him.

Boy, I feel like I'm becoming more like Reborn but in this situation, I have to be. I can't afford to play around when I don't even understand what's going on with everything.

"Aww,calm down Tsu-chan! I came all this way to come explain things to you so don't be mad~" Byakuran pouted at me. I sighed and stop what I was doing.

"Fine. Explain then. And get straight to the point. I know how you love to derail from the subject at hand."

"Come on, Tsu-chan. I'll never! I'm always so so serious! Why, just the other day I ha-"

"See, you're doing it right now." I pointed out.

"Haha~ You caught me!" Byakuran smiled at a little kid, grinning from ear to ear.

I sighed. AGAIN. Dealing with him is really tiresome....

Byakuran's face suddenly turned serious and he started his explanation.

A Second Chance (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now