Buried in Secrets

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-Tsuna's POV-

I made my way up to the rooftop for lunch. It's the only place where those people will never come up to because of a certain skylark lurking around. But I'm not concerned at all. In fact, therooftop has now become my safe haven ever since I've made peace with the guarddog there and he made an exception for me and only me to come up here. Thoughhe tend to leave me alone most of the time, there are still times when he'llpick a fight with me when the urge strikes and I try to satisfy him by givinghim what he wants because I know nothing I say will get through that stubbornhead of his. 

If Hibari wants something,he'll stop at nothing to get it. So instead of running away as I did the first few times he came to fight me, I resigned to my fate and promised him to spar with him once a week and only if we're alone. He obliged after considering it and I was glad we managed to come into an agreement. Seems like this world's Hibari is easier to negotiate with, compared to my world's Kyoya. That guy is such a thick-head and no matter what I say, he'll just do as he likes. He truly is a free and aloof cloud, but someone reliable to depend on when troublestrikes. 

So I ate my lunch quietly alone on the rooftop when I felt something flew towards my head. I tilted my head a little to the side to avoid aflying Tonfa as it struck the wall right beside my head. The tonfa embedded deep into the wall, creating a large spiderweb crack around it. 

"Ara. You just damaged your precious school, Hibari~" I said with a monotone voice, my eyes still looking down at my bento.

"Then you should not have dodged it." Hibari simply said.

"Then my head would have been the one cracked!" I exclaimed with a frown.


"What do you mean 'so be it'!? I don't want my head to get cracked. It's your fault for always attacking me like that, Hibari!"


"Fine, whatever. This discussion's over. I have to finish up my lunch and go back to class soon anyway." I quickly finished and packed up my bento before standing up.

"Omnivore. Spar later?" Hibari asked me.

"Hmm.I guess I could spare some time for that after school. See you here later then."

"Hn." Hibari looks pleased when I told him that.

Lessons resumed but as usual, I wasn't paying attention at all. My attention was towards the camera hidden around the classroom. I noticed many of them around the school and this classroom had a few too; 12 to be exact, 1 in every corner of the room so that whoever' observing can have the full view of the class and and the rest at random places like at theteacher's desk and on the ceiling. 

'Must be Reborn's doing.' He really went overboard by putting so many cameras around. I wonder if Hibari knows about this and if he does, I wonder why he didn't stop it.

Speaking about Hibari, I have to spar with him after school again. We've been doing this for 2 weeks now ever since he found out I can fight. And since I accidentally talked in front of him the first time, I see no need to hide the fact that I'm not mute. It's pretty refreshing to be able to talk to someone, though he's not really one to be able to carry on a conversation.

At first, I was reluctant to when he first started pestering me to fight him. However, afterwards I agreed to only because I decided I needed some way to train this weak body of mine to get stronger. I'm sure there will be many hardships and trials awaiting me later on, so I need to be prepared for anything that comes my way. 

Training is a good way to do it for now. But I just can't let Reborn find out about this otherwise there'll be a lot of explaining to do.

And I mean A LOT, from the fact that I'm from another world, to the part where I'm a hacker (not by choice), the part I'mnot mute, the part that I can fight really well and I'm also a flame user; multiuser in fact (which I got through hard work back in my world), though my otherflames are not that strong as my sky ones. Oh, and I forgot the most importantpart, I'm also the missing SKY Arcobaleno! (Also not by my choice,but then again, when is anything that happened by my choice?) Fate is just toocruel to the Tsunayoshi in this world. 

There are just TOO many secrets that I'm hiding right now so if I'm ever found out, I think I'm dead, especially if I'm found out by the World's greatest Hitman. Though there is a pretty high chance of that. 

I don't dare risk taking out my Sky pacifier to school or anywhere outside for that matter for there's a high chance that I may run into Reborn or the other Arcobalenoes if they decide to pay a random visit out here. However, I do wear it at night or during the day when Reborn's not around, probably off torturing Natsu or something. I fed it enough flames in order for it to survive the day though it often leaves me tired and light-headed.

'I wonder how Yuni did it back in my world. She must have suffered a lot....' My thoughts wondered off to my friends I left back in my own world. How they must have felt when they hear the news of my death and how I left without even saying a goodbye. 

I shook my head hard to get rid of these depressing thoughts. 'Now's not the time for that.' I chided myself. I unclenched my hands and forced myself to start planning ahead. The curse of the Arcobaleno is not something I'd wonder about now that I have the knowledge of breaking it. It'd take some time to find the right person to do it and till then, I just have to learn to handle the curse. First thing first, I need to get my hands on a Mammon Chain. The Mammon Chains were a great help back when we're stuck in that horrible future as it helps to hide flame signatures which we used to conceal our Vongola rings signatures. It helped us hide from the Millefiore that were out to hunt us down and it sure would help now to hide my pacifier from Reborn. I wonder if it exists here too?

Also, another important task I have to do is to try to get information on Kawahira-san since the only time I've met him was in the future and later on as Checkerface. But here, he may have moved his shop elsewhere and I needed concrete info before I go search for him.

'Urgh....So many things I need to do, so little time.' I thought wearily and massaged my temples to ease my headache.

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