Battle For the Rings: Storm & Rain

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-Normal POV-

They gathered in Namimori as usual at night. But this time the match was held indoors. Everyone was there except for Gokudera. They waited till the last second of the clock before Gokudera came rushing in.

"Sorry for the wait! Gokudera Hayato has arrived!" He announced.

"Tako-head! You scared us!"

"Yeah! What kept you!" Natsu scowled.

Gokudera returned the scowl. "I'm here aren't I? Let's just get this started."

The Cervello explained the battle field for the storm battle. It was the entire 3rd floor of the school building and not only that, they installed a hurricane turbine in various places of the field. Truly a fitting field for the Storm.

Unlike the previous battles, this battle has a time limit. After 15 minutes, if neither side has the complete ring, the turbines will start exploding one by one, till the whole floor is destroyed.

"So it's basically a death match. Doesn't that sounds interesting." Gokudera said with a confident grin.

"ALRIGHT!! Let's do the usual before the match!!" Ryohei yelled.

"What! Wait!! I don't want to do such embarrassing stuff!! I don't need it!!" Gokudera yelled frantically.

"Come on. Don't be shy and just accept it. You guys are a team aren't you?" Cielo smirked.

"YEAH!! Tako-head!! Come here!!" Ryohei grabbed Gokudera forcefully over, along with Natsu despite both their protest. The 4 of them huddled together in a circle and did their usual cheer.


"Ah....Youth." Shamal smiled at the embarrassing sight of them.

"Could the two combatants come to the middle. The rest of you move to the observation area. That includes you Cielo-sama and you Dr Shamal." The Cervello pointed to the two and they moved to their areas. This time, an infrared sensor was installed in order to prevent others from interfering again.

Cielo leaned on the wall at the back, far away from the others and focused on the screens showing the 2 combatants.

Belphegor was talking to Gokudera about something and patted his shoulder before distancing himself.

"Then, the Battle for the ring of the Storm, Belphegor VS. Gokudera Hayato, START!"

Gokudera immediately threw his dynamites at Bel, distancing himself away from him. But this was futile because he quickly found himself surrounded by numerous floating knifes.

"WHAT!!?" Natsu yelled. "How's he doing that!" Everyone else was puzzled by Bel's trick but not Cielo.

"Wires." Cielo said and everyone turned around to stare at him.

"If you looked close enough, you can see the metal wire tied to the knifes that allows Bel to control and direct the knifes. Bel wasn't called a genius for nothing." He explained.

Sure enough, the knifes that Bel threw flew towards Gokudera despite the strong winds made by the turbine. Gokudera was clearly in a disadvantage because he couldn't counterattack with his dynamites at all.

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