Air Bikes

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-Normal POV-

After the whole event with Squalo is over. Everyone returned to their respective rooms to rest.

"We're going to start training tomorrow. So all of you should rest and prepare for it." Reborn instructed, adding a sinister smile when he said 'prepare'. Everyone shivered at the thought of that.

As everyone started to exit the room, Reborn glanced over to Cielo and smirked. "I'm sure you'll be joining us tomorrow for training too, right Cielo?"

"Um, sure, Reborn." Cielo gulped. 'I'm guessing if I don't do as he says, he'll reveal my secret to the others. That sadistic devil....'

"I'm glad you know." Reborn pulled his fedora down to hide his face and left the room.


Tsuna rode the elevator up to the top floor of the base where he's bedroom is located. Since Shoichi have known that Tsuna was coming here, he thoughtfully prepared a special room for him, away from the others so he's secret would not be exposed but close enough, so he can easily get to them in case anything happens.

He lowered himself onto the large comfy chair and relaxed, slowly taking in the view of the room.

'It's the same as ever.' He smiled. His room was designed in the same way as the one back in Namimori. It gave him a nostalgic feel.

'Now...' He sat up straight and inspected the book he brought along from his office. Due to the huge commotion that happened, he didn't get to read it then.

The book itself was thick with orange and black markings across the front cover and a black front of the word 'Diary' written on it. Tsuna have never seen it before but he immediately knew that it was the journal that Byakuran told him to search for that could contain the answers he seek.

His fingers trailed the edges of the book, finding it tattered and worn out. 'This book must have went through a lot.' He thought. He put his hand at the corner of the book and hesitated. What secrets would be revealed in it? Would it answer all his questions or add to it?

The pages of the book seemed old and wrinkled as though someone has been taking his frustrations out on the book. There were also many stain markings on the pages, indicating that the owner of this book was a careless person.

The first few pages of the journal starts off normal; a description of a normal day parallel Tsuna experienced with his day. Nothing much except his handwriting was difficult to decipher.

Then he got to a page that have many tear stains on it. It was describing the day where parallel Tsuna started to get called the 'Devil'.

Tsuna's heart clenched as he read parallel Tsuna's words. It was by no means happy at all. It was full of pain and suffering, coupled with constant hardships.

He flipped through the pages, finding it filled with more depressing entries of his counterpart. He almost couldn't bear to continue reading but he shouldered on because he wanted to understand more of his counterpart's thoughts and feelings. He was almost through reading when one particular page made him stop and take a second look.

[For Tsunayoshi, A.K.A, parallel self:]

Wow, it's weird writing a letter to yourself, even if it's to your parallel self.

Anyway, first of all, if you're reading this, it means I'm already long gone and things should have gone accordingly as Byakuran said it would.

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