Ladro di Cielo

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-Tsuna's POV-

I thought about what Yamamoto said about the devil that lurks within everyone. Why did he mean by that, I wonder?

The Yamamoto in this world seems more serious but he was still the same baseball star and popular guy as always. He was loved by the class and even has a fan club made just for him. But one important similarity I notice about him was that his smile was fake, just like how it was for the old Takeshi I know. Always carrying his problems on his shoulders but not letting anyone know of it. Always smiling but behind that smile lies pain.

It pains me to know that this world's Yamamoto still have not found a solution for his problems and no one has helped him. As much I want to stay out of this world's problems and their inhabitants, I couldn't just ignore him when he's suffering like this. I just couldn't.

But why didn't that idiot brother of mine help him? From what I recall, Natsume was also part of the baseball team as him.So why didn't he notice it?

I signed. I have a bad feeling about this and it's not just my HI telling me.


Once I reached home, I immediately went up to my room and locked the door. This had been a habit lately since I do not want anyone in my room-not that they would even bother-to discover my secrets. And by now, I have a ton of secrets.

I turned on my laptop that was hidden under my bed and logged on to a webpage. There, I went online as Cielo-apparently my alter ego that my parallel self created when he was here. 'I wonder what went through his mind that compelled him to do this.'

He was called 'Ladro di Cielo', a hacker and a great one at that. He can crack through any firewalls, uncover secrets hidden behind the best security systems and he did all these within the confines of his room.

He reason he started doing this was simple; he needed money. Considering his parents and everyone who knows him, hates and scorn him-though I still don't know the reasons why-he needed to find a way to earn money to support himself. Thus, he decided to become a hacker. Using his intelligence, he manages to hack his way into the government, underground societies and he even has ties with the mafia.

'That means he already knows that Tou-san is a CEDEF head and our family have connections with the Vongola.' I mused. 'Interesting.'

I was very impressed by my parallel self for what he had accomplished. Under these circumstances, he still tried so hard to survive. But doing everything alone has its limits.


A message appeared on the screen:

Rosso: Hey Cielo!It's been a while since I've heard from you. Did you get found out or what?

I frowned at the message, trying to recall this person's name. Since I'm Cielo now, I have to continue with whatever my parallel self was doing.

Cielo: I was only gone for a few months. Personal stuff. Just who do you think I am? I won't get caught just like that.

Rosso: Right, of course. Just be careful, okay? And how's your body?

'Hmmm....So this Rosso person is close enough to my parallel self to know about the curse?'

Cielo: I'm fine. Everything's the same. Both my parents and my brother are still ignoring my existence which is fine with me.

Rosso: That is definitely NOT fine at all. After everything you've done for them and yet they still treat you that way! You should just leave them and come stay with me!

Rosso: But whatever, you won't listen to anything I say anyway. No matter how much I pleaded you....

I chuckled, glad that there's at least one person in this world that cares about Tsuna's well being.

Cielo: Well, thanks for the offer but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Rosso: Fine. But seriously, but careful. I heard that the World's greatest Hitman is coming to Namimori but I'm not sure the reason why. You better steer clear of him, lest he discover who you are.

That was news to me. I was so busy with my body's weak condition that I forgot who was coming soon. 'Finally, I can see Reborn again!'

Cielo: Thanks for the heads up, I'll be careful. Talk to you soon.

Rosso: Addios Cielo.

I logged off, hid my laptop and lied in bed, processing the information.

'Reborn is going to come here!' I thought in eagerness. 'I can see him again! Oh, how much I missed him.'

Despite all the hardships I went through because of him, he was like a father-figure to me, especially when your biological father is always nowhere to be found. Reborn has taught me so much and I gained so much from learning under him. He was the reason I found friends, I found family and I found love though I will never admit it to him out loud.

As I slowly fell asleep, I could only smile in anticipation for the day I meet Reborn again to arrive.



[So, how was this chapter? I'm not an Italian, so I'm not sure whether that phrase was correct. Please inform me if it's wrong. Anyways, Thanks for everyone who is reading this! It's really encouraging to see that people are reading my works. :') I'll try to update it once every 2-3 days cause I also have 2 other stories I'm working on, so please bear with me if I don't update it every now and then. Please comment more so that I can hear your thoughts on this story! Thanks!:3

-PurplePulu ]

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