Battle for the Rings: Disappearance

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A/N: Happy Halloween to those who celebrates it. I don't sadly.😢
Anyway, here's another chapter for you guys! Hope you enjoy it. Ciao!!(≧∇≦)


-Normal POV-

Time seemed to stand still for a while. That is until Chrome came running to Cielo's side. One touch and she knew that he was running a fever. Cielo's body was burning up, heat radiating from his body like an oven.

Reborn stood there watching. He was speechless. The annoying Cielo that is always full of himself is now on the ground-weak and defenseless. This might be the first time Reborn saw him showing any weakness to others. He was always smug and confident in himself. Reborn had to admire his strength and even accepted it. Albeit reluctantly.

"This is bad. We need to bring him to a hospital." Reborn quickly ordered Natsu to call for an ambulance but was stopped by Chrome.

"No! He doesn't need one."

"What do you mean he doesn't need one?! He has a high fever judging by the heat his body is giving out."

"No. I'll take care of Bossu. Bossu would want that. You just want to use this opportunity to uncover Bossu's identity right?" Chrome accused. Her eyes were hard and her tone is telling them that she's not going to back down from this.

Tch. Reborn clicked his tongue in frustration. It's true that this is a good opportunity to discover who Cielo really was. But he didn't want him to die either. He knew that Chrome will not back down so he sighed. Chrome must know more than I thought. The best course of action will be to let her handle this....

"Fine." Reborn bit out the word. "Natsu, help her. The rest of you, go home and rest for tomorrow." Reborn ordered and with that he left with Colonello.

Everyone said their farewells and went their separate ways, except for Chrome and Natsu who was helping her with Cielo.

"Man, this guy is light. Doesn't he eat at all?" Natsu had Cielo on his back as he carried him back to Kokuyou Land.

Natsu shivered a little when he entered the familiar room where he fought Mukuro.
"I can't believe you stay here. It's creepy."

Chrome ignored Natsu's comment and laid out a thin futon she kept somewhere for Cielo to lay down on.

"Sooo.....You know who Cielo is under that mask?" Natsu asked as he glanced at Cielo who was now laying on the futon drenched in sweat.

Chrome continued to ignore Natsu as she went around searching for a cloth and water to help cool down his temperature with.

Natsu stared at Cielo closely, curious at who this mysterious person was. Because Cielo was lying down, his hood fell off and Natsu noticed that he had brown hair just like his, except that Cielo's was lighter in colour. His slender neck was exposed and Natsu notice a funny-looking necklace on it.

Weird... Didn't know he accessorizes.... Natsu thought nothing of it and looked at his mask.

His mask was slanted a little, uncovering a small portion of his face. It was just a little, but Natsu felt a sense of familiarity in Cielo. Where? He could not remember. But it was there.

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