Where I Stand

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-Tsuna's POV-

After that day where I revealed everything, I tried to stay away from them as much as possible because every time I pass them, things got a little awkward. I don't know how to face them now and I'm afraid to find out what they think of me now that they know I'm not from their world.

Every minute of me agonizing over this makes me want to run away. Run away back to my world, where I don't have to worry anymore about things like parallel stuff anymore.

But I know I'm just running away from things I don't want to face.

I'm aware of that and yet I can't help but avoid them. But what I did not expect, was for them to come find me.


The door bell rang constantly while I hid in my room brooding. With Nana still in the hospital and Natsu out somewhere with Reborn, I alone was left in the house. I really didn't want to face anyone right now but the ringing just won't not stop. Whoever is pressing the bell is persistent.

Stomping my way down in irritation, I slammed open the door, frowning when I saw who was on the other side.

'Why are they here?'

Yamamoto and Gokudera stood there, his hand hovering at the bell, about to press it again. He had a serious expression on while Yamamoto grinned sheepishly.

"Yo~" Yamamoto waved.

"Tsuna-sama....." Gokudera greeted.

"Natsu's not here at the moment. Come back later." I said and proceeded to close the door.

"WAIT Tsuna-sama!" Gokudera cried and tried to stop the door from closing. I turned and give him an annoyed look.

"Stop calling me that. Didn't you hear already... I'm not from your world. I'm not this world's Tsuna, so don't bother with me anymore." I muttered.

"NO!" Gokudera yelled which startled me. He has never used that tone with me before. Even Yamamoto jumped a little beside him.

"No." He repeated, this time his tone was a little softer and gentle. "To me, you'll always be Tsuna-sama. I don't know the Tsuna from this world because I've never met him, unlike Juudaime and the others so the only Tsuna I know is the one right in front of me."

I was touched by his words but it wasn't enough to convince me but when I opened my mouth to protest, he cut me off.

"Sorry Tsuna-sama. But even if the other Tsuna comes back, I won't acknowledge him. You are the Tsuna-sama I respect. The one who saved me when I was about to be hit by my own dynamites. That kind-heartedness of yours is what I really admire about you. Even in the future, that has not changed. You fought with us all the way and you did it all in silence. You protected us from the shadows and you've been doing it ever since you got here."

"That's right Tsuna~" Yamamoto chipped in, earning a glare from Gokudera.

"Tsuna." Yamamoto's tone turned serious, unlike his usual light tone. "You are the one who saved me when I was about to commit something foolish. You told me that I can be myself and I don't have to put on a mask anymore. Thanks to you, I'm genuinely happy spending my days playing baseball and hanging around you guys!" Yamamoto smiled, a real genuine smile from the heart, his eyes shone brightly with sincerity.

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