Tying Up Loose Ends

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Hey guys!! I'm back. Don't worry, I haven't died in case you're wondering. Just that my new job has been really taxing as of late.

*Sigh* Welcome to the working life. I want my childhood back!!!.°(д。)°.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chap, the ending is soon but it's difficult to write it! I always have problem writing endings but I will overcome this difficulty! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
(Just not at this moment.)


-Tsuna's POV-

I've been hang up over my own problems so much, that I've forgotten that there are still important things that I've to do for this world before I leave for good.

The first is to undo the Arcobaleno's curse so that no one else will have to suffer for it in the future. The future which we fought so hard to make it not come true. But at this rate, the Arcobaleno will still die if nothing's done.

This feat that I'm setting out to do is not going to be easy at all but my mind is set.


My first step is to find Talbot, the one who made it possible to free the Arcobaleno of my world from their curse. Since he was the Vongola Craftsman, someone from the Vongola should know where he is.

I sighed. 'Guess I have to ask Nono about this. I wanted to avoid talking to him as much as possible but breaking the curse is more important.'


After finding out the address from Nono, I borrowed the Vindice's portal in order to travel to Italy, where Talbot lives. The Vindice weren't too happy to be used as a transport but agreed when I promised them that this is important for breaking the curse on them.

I considered using my flames to fly all the way there but I think it's unwise of me to do so when I'm just recovering from my flames being drained. I can't overuse it otherwise I'll suffer the consequences again.

When I arrived through the portal, Talbot was waiting outside his home; a simple house hidden inside the forest. The forest is known to be haunted and thickly dense with trees and undergrowth, that it's easy to get lost and die in here. A perfect place to hide in for someone in the Mafia. Plus, I'm guessing he wants to be alone anyway.

"Welcome Vongola Decimo. I heard you need my help?" He greeted me with a toothy grin.

Talbot; an old man whose shrouded with many mysteries. No one knows when he joined the Vongola and there's even rumors that he's been around since the Primo's time. If he really was, then this elderly man is definitely not human.

However, human or not, He appears whenever the Vongola's in trouble and disappears after that. Like that time when the Vongola rings were shattered but he easily fixed that and even upgraded it. I haven't talked to him much before but I'm nevertheless grateful for what he did for the Arcobaleno. His skills of craftsmanship never fails to astound me.

I just hope he could create the same miracle he did again in this world.

"Greetings Talbot-san. I need you to do me a favor. There's something I need you to craft."

"Hoho! An unusual request from you but let's hear it. Come."

Talbot lead me into his little hideout which is an impressive place he made. It was filled with tools and crafting materials as far as my eye can see. Many which I don't even recognize.

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