The Giglio Nero Famigila

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-Normal POV-

Everything was a swirl of colours. All around him till he didn't know which way was up or down.

How did I get myself in this situation again? Natsu huffed as he thought back to what happened.


He has been running around looking for Reborn when he suddenly had a thought.

If anyone had knowledge of the 10 year bazooka, it might be Adult Lambo! He ran back to his house where Lambo had been lazying around in Tsuna's room.

"Hey brat! Use your 10 year bazooka to turn into your less obnoxious self now!"

"What are you talking about Natsu? Lambo-san doesn't know anything about a bazooka.." The cow averted his eyes from Natsu which pisses him off.

What a terrible liar! He's been using the bazooka all the time! Natsu stuck his hands into the cow's afro and pulled out the purple bazooka from it.

"Hey! That's Lambo's!!" Lambo jumped up angrily and tried to snatch it back from him. They played tug-of-war with the bazooka till Lambo couldn't get a hold of it anymore. He released it and the force sent the bazooka flying directly at Natsu.


And the next thing I know, I'm here. Natsu thought angrily. Stupid cow! He's going to get it from me when I get back!

The colorful scenery opened up to a green landscape and have felt himself dropped onto his butt.

"Ow! Where am I?" Natsu looked around at his unfamiliar landscape around him. It seems like he's in a forest. Tall trees surrounds him at every angle and undergrowth were growing in abundance. He was too busy staring at the trees above him that he didn't notice the large object beside him. When he did though, he widen his eyes and stared at it.

"What the hell? Is this a coffin!?" He looked at the large box in front of him. It was black with the insignia of the Vongola on it and below it was the Logo of the CEDEF.

CEDEF? Isn't Tou-San the head of it? And Tsuna is being trained as the next head. And if I'm 10 years in the future, Tsuna should be the head by now. That means.....

Natsu shook his head to clear that thought away. He have an inkling of who might be inside the coffin but did not want to confirm his suspicions. He did not have the courage to.

He stayed like that for a few minutes. Debating whether to check or not. And when he finally managed to get the courage to, a sudden rustle to his left startled him.

A person emerged from the trees causing him to back up and get into battle stance. The person also got his weapons out and frowned when he stared at Natsu.

"Natsume-sama?" He asked.

Sama? Who calls me that? Natsu frowned but answered his question.

"Yeah that's me. Who're you?"

"Natsume-sama. It's me. Gokudera Hayato." He bowed and when he straightened up, he had an amused smile on his lips. "Never thought I see you so small again. Bring back memories."

Natsu stared at him with his mouth agape in absolute shock. This hot guy here is Gokudera?! How can this be!

The man before him was wearing a black suit with a red undershirt and black pants. He carried a suit case in one hand and in his other, rings adorned on his fingers. I didn't think he was the type to accessorize. Natsu frowned.

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