Box Weapons

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-Normal POV-

"Finally! We get to open our box weapons!" Natsu shouted with glee, like a child on Christmas Day. "I want a dinosaur! 10 foot tall dinosaur! Or a large grizzly bear as my box weapon!"

Natsu held up his box. "I can't wait to see what mine is."

"Not so fast Natsu." Reborn stopped him and gave a stern look to each and every one of his guardians. "You have to train and prepare first."

Everyone gave a puzzled look to Reborn and he sighed.

"Try opening your boxes then." Reborn urged.

Natsu and the rest tried to summon their flames from their rings but all it came out was a flicker of light before it got extinguished.

"You've all just got back from a long journey, it's no surprise that you're all worn out. You should take this time to rest." Shoichi explained.

"This will be a good time for you to relax before you start your next part of your training with your box weapons. All of you have to master these boxes so you can fight Byakuran and the six Funeral Wreaths but you can't do that with such a weak-ass flame." Reborn smirked. Natsu and a few of his guardians stiffed at his harsh words.

"Er....I'll explain to you the rules of Choice when you're all well rested and ready. So for today, please rest up." Shoichi awkwardly said.

"Remember, you're all not allowed to open your box weapons until I say so." Reborn said sternly as they all slowly emptied out the room, leaving Shoichi and Spanner alone with the machine.

Shoichi stared worriedly after them and sighed.

"What's wrong Shoichi?" Spanner asked.

"Oh....N-Nothing....." Shoichi stuttered and laughed humorlessly.

Spanner didn't look convinced but let it go. "C'mon, we have a lot of work to do to hide the machine from Byakuran."

"Right....Coming.." Shoichi hesitatingly tore his gaze away from the door and got to work. But in his mind he was still worried.

'Hope you're alright over there Tsuna-kun. You said you have a plan, but I can't help being worried about you....Just how are you planning to hide from Natsume-kun?'


The rest of the day was uneventful. Not even the sudden appearance of Basil from the past was worth mentioning.

Basil-instructed by someone-has arrived from the past to aid them in their fight. But he became fatigue through his long journey from Italy that he collapsed and is now in bed, resting.

The rest of them were also told to rest but since the Choice battle is coming up soon, they just can't settle down without doing something.

Yamamoto has holed himself up in the dojo, practicing his swings, Gokudera was at the library, reading up on UMA's, Lambo was his usual self, playing catch with I-pin as always. Ryohei was jogging around somewhere, Chrome has locked herself up in her room and Hibari went to his private sector of the base to be alone. All the Guardians has something to do, leaving Natsu alone in his room, lying on the bed, being bored out of his mind.

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