Figlio di Diavolo

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-Normal POV-

"It happened when I was 5 years old......" He started.

The boy woke up with a jolt, his hands sweaty, his body covered in perspiration and his head heavy.

He had been dreaming--no, it was not a dream; it was more of a nightmare.

He couldn't remember clearly what happened but he knew it wasn't a good dream. All he can remember was the sound of screams and shouts before a sharp pain in his chest shocked him awake.

'It hurts....' He thought as he clutched his chests tightly and grimaced in pain.

The boy did not understood what happened back then and eventually ignored it since it didn't happen again after a week later.

The sharp screeching of tires sliced through the air and the screams followed after. Numerous cries were heard all around and right there in the middle of it all; was a person lying on the ground. Crimson red liquid pooled around his body while a middle aged woman lied over him, crying her eyes out and sobbing uncontrollably. Beside them was a destroyed wall with a damaged car embedded into the wall.

Flashing lights were making their way here but it was too late, the person had stopped breathing. The person—no, body—now lay there; unmoving and still. Nothing could be done to save him and the crying woman sobbed harder—knowing that all was lost and wailed like a madman.

Her screams was so sad and tortured and no matter how much Tsuna wanted to, he couldn't turn away from it nor was he able to. He was stuck there, unable to look away or even cover his ears to block out her screams of despair. He was a phantom— an onlooker of sorts; only able to watch and never able to do anything about it.

He always found himself waking up crying, tears flowing down his cheeks like a waterfall. He was unable to control any of it. His chest as usual, hurts as though something sharp has pierced through.

That very night, he couldn't sleep at all, scenes of that incident keep running through his mind. Those screams, cries and pain that were too much for any 5 year old mind to bear.

He wanted--no needed, someone to be there for him. But he couldn't tell anyone of his scary dreams and deaths. He could only hope that it was just a nightmare and it would never happen again.

But of course, fate wasn't so kind to the poor boy. He kept having that same dream after that. Sometimes the same ones, sometimes of different people. But context was the always the same; it was filled with death, cries and despair.

He was constantly tortured by these dreams and yet he did not know what to do. That is, until one day when he was on my way home from school, an accident happened.

He was shocked. The scene was exactly like how it was in his dreams. The driver had lost control of the car and rammed it into the wall; the driver had hit his head hard during the collusion and ended up dead instantly.

The paramedics came but it was too late. A middle aged lady whom he recognized from his dream came rushing in and the moment she saw the body, she collapsed onto it and sobbed uncontrollably.

"NO!NO!NO!" Her cries were heard throughout the area but no one moved to comfort the anguished woman.

Tsuna didn't know what to do or what to say. Seeing that scene in his dreams was bad enough for him but seeing it happened in real life too? It was too much for the young boy. He ran all the way home and locked himself in his room, hiding under his blankets, shivering in shock and disbelief.

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