Extra: Ignorance is Bliss

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-Normal POV-

In the heart of the night, when all the good little children are asleep and all the night dwellers prowl about. There was a district only adults knew about. The whole district was filled with bright Neon lights, illuminating the area. Most of the shops here are bars and the others are--well, I'll leave it up to your imaginations.

In one of the bars-a famous one for locals, many voices rang out in merry and drunken joy.

But at a small corner of the bar, sits a lone woman drinking her heart out. Her hands gripped tightly onto her glass of beer as she gulped it down in one breath. She blew out a breath of frustration.

"Just why is my life such a mess right now..." She muttered and closed her eyes tiredly.

"That's what I would like to know too."

A man spoke up besides her, causing her to jump in her seat. She hasn't expected someone to answer her. Especially not a man dressed in all black, buff and built like a wrestler. He looked like a foreigner and sounded like one too, with a trace of accent in his words. She eyed the man wearily, distrust in her eyes.

The man did nothing but continue to stare ahead of him at nothing and took a drink at his glass of wine.

He sighed. "I wonder why is living so painful. Nothing we do is ever right. Nothing I do is enough. I just want to live freely......" He sighed again deeply and took another gulp of his wine, emptying it.

She continue watching him as he asked for another refill. Somehow, she felt pity for him. His eyes were filled with turmoil and great sorrow. The woman felt her heartstrings being tugged as she observed the big guy down his wine one after another. Obviously, something was clearly bothering him just like how she was.

Feeling a little brave, she approached him and asked.

"U-um, is something bothering you too?"

The man turned and looked at her sadly and she felt her pity grow. This man, as big as he was, had the eyes of a lost puppy. He looked as though his owner had abandoned him and he had nowhere to go.

The man sighed heavily. "Isn't it the same with you too? Seems like life isn't so kind to take pity on us. My whole life have been hell and it is still."

"Well, it can't be all bad. Don't you have anyone that cares about you?" She tried to reason.

"I think I do. He's in the same position as me but the only difference is, he seem to take it better than I do." He sighed again. "Maybe I'm just a burden to him and only dragging him down...."

"Come on now. Don't say that. If he really does care about you, he won't think of you as a burden."

The man turned to look at her.

"What do you know? Your life must be all sunshine and roses! Stop being a busybody and leave me be." He shouted and she jumped back. But she wasn't going to back down.

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up.
"You know, my life isn't all that great either..." She muttered but it got his attention.

"My husband isn't around almost half of the time. I have to bring up two sons by myself from the moment they are born. I thought I'll be strong enough to get through it but turns out I was wrong. At 5, one of my sons started sprouting nonsense. I thought he did it to get my attention so I tried to make him stop. He didn't. He went on ahead to spread his lies to all of the people of the town. If it's only small meaningless lies, that would've been fine. But his lies were cruel and hurtful, and mostly full of deaths. What's more, his lies started to turn into the truth. Every lie he said started to happen as he said it would. Isn't that scary? Isn't it strange how a 5 year old could predict people's demise? He isn't my child! This isn't my lovable boy that I spend my time and love taking care of from birth. He was replaced. Yes! I'm sure he was. This boy right now is not my son! My real son is taken away! Away by that devil!"

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