Reborn Enters!

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-A baby with a fedora's POV-

Ever since I accepted the task of training the heir to the Vongola Decimo, my well honed hitman instincts have been telling me that this will be no easy task which was weird to me because I tend to succeed in whatever assignment I've been tasked with. Failure is never the opinion. But yet, what is this nagging feeling I've been having ever since my arrival in Namimori?

This doesn't sit well with me at all. Not one bit.

But a job is a job and I intend to carry it through with it as I always do. I am the #1 Hitman after all. Training a 14 year old kid to become the Decimo will be a simple task for one such as I.

With that said, I proceeded to the Sawada residence to start my observation of the kid I'm going to be training. Sitting on the roof two houses away from the target, I took out my trusty partner; Leon the shape shifting chameleon and it changed into a binocular for me to use to spy on the Sawada's.

The first thing I saw was a short, petite brunette boy exiting the house. He looked a little like the Decimo candidate; Sawada Natsume if not for his short height and pale complex. 'That must be Sawada Tsunayoshi; the twin brother of Sawada Natsume.' I deduced. I didn't pay him any mind because he is not the focus of my task here but it turns out I was wrong—which doesn't happen often I might add—when he suddenly paused and his head tilted a little in my direction, as if he heard something. 

'He stopped. Did he sense me?' I froze in place,waiting for him to react or at least do something but instead, he shook hishead to himself and went on his way to school.

'Nah. That can't be. I must be imagining it. I'm well hidden here and far away, he shouldn't be able to see me or sense me looking at him.' I tried to reason but it doesn't sound convincing to my own ears.

'Hmmm.....What an interesting boy.....'

I love to continue observing him but he's not the main reason why I'm here.

Taking out the files I've got from baka-mitsu--a.k.a, Sawada Iemitsu, the candidate's father who is also the head of the CEDEF--they definitely did NOT mention the fact that he had a twin brother. I had only found that out just now after gathering my own information around Namimori, that the Sawada's had two children—twins in fact. And yet this whole time that I've known Iemitsu, he never did shut up about his son—Sawada Natsume, and never once mention anything about having a second son, not even in his files. 'Just what the hell is that idiot doing?' I frowned. 'He's so dead when I see him...'

When I first saw someone running out of the door this morning, I was almost impressed by the fact that the Decimo candidate wakes up early in the morning to exercise but when I looked again, I notice something different from the picture baka-mitsu sent. Firstly, the boy's eye color was different, Sawada Natsume's eyes were Sky-blue but this boy has brown ones and his hair too, was different. His hair was wild and spiky, as if it was defying gravity whereas Natsume's hair was more tame and flat. 

Throwing the rest of the files away since it'll be useless, I decided to gather more information on thembefore I decide to introduce myself to the family. I'm sure Nana-san and baka-mitsu would know I'll be coming to train the Decimo candidate soon.

Looking through my binocular again, I spotted afamiliar brunette, similar to the one I saw just now but with blue eyes this time, running down the stairs, still in his pajamas. There was breakfast prepared on the dining table for him as he sat down and slowly ate his breakfast. Nana-san came in and out of the kitchen, taking milk and coffee for her son and husband while the 2 of them just sat there without helping.

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