Open Box Carnage

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-Tsuna/Cielo's POV-

Well, this sucks.

One of the worst ways to get your secret discovered is through force. And to top it off, it's through Reborn.

Now everyone knows that I'm the suppose 'missing' Sky Arcobaleno.

On the bright side, they still do not know that Cielo is Tsuna but rather Cielo is the Sky Arcobaleno. But there's someone who does know the truth, and it's not going to be easy explaining that to him.

"We'll going to have a talk after this." Reborn promised with a serious expression. I couldn't read it at all. But I guess he must be furious at me for keeping this a secret for so long.

Despite all this, I still have a battle to win. With the pacifier sealed up and tucked under my shirt once again, I walked up to the others who were waiting in silence. They stared uncomfortably at me, especially Natsu. He seemed to have something to say but couldn't say it.

Byakuran watched on with that same smile that seems to be permanently stuck to his face. He said nothing but his eyes showed that he's very amused right now.

Sure, take enjoyment in my misery why don't you? I'm sure he purposely said those words to give Reborn the hints he needed to connect the dots. Though I would like to say that he might have a reason to do so, I'm almost positive he did it to see me suffer for his own twisted entertainment.

The awkward silence between us was so uncomfortable that I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Let's win this." Was all I have to say to them before walking away into the base to get ready, unable to face them any longer.

"Now~ Wasn't that interesting?" I heard Byakuran say in a playful tone to the rest but I heard no reply from them.

I sighed and slowly slid down onto the floor. Taking out the fox charm that the girls had made for me, I held it tight between my hands as though it was my lifeline and tried to compose myself before the battle starts.

Anything can happen and I don't want to make the same mistakes as I did in my Choice battle. That horrible feeling of losing still haunts me till this day. Although the outcome turned out alright in the end, I could not help but think that I should've done better or more then. I don't want to ever feel this way again, thus I have to give my full focus on this battle right now.

From where I sat, I could overhear Byakuran introducing his participating guardians to Natsu and explaining the rules of the game. Kikyo, Genkishi, Daisy and Torikabuto will be the ones participating.

Afterwards, the non-participants are all transported to an safe area where they can observe the fight on the monitors in safety. Only the participants have the right to be on the field.

After the explaination, Shoichi and Spanner walked in. Shoichi gave me a irritated look that I knew full well of what he's going to say.

"You really are a handful." He sighed in resignation and didn't say anything else which was a huge relief for me. I don't need anymore people nagging at me when I myself know full well of what I'm doing. Whether if it's good or bad, wrong or right, I'm still going to do it for the sake of my family. Even if the choices made right now doesn't make sense.

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