The Calm Before the Storm

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-Normal POV-

Tsuna felt a dangerous presence closing in on him. He rolled off the bed, just in time to see a hammer went down onto his pillow where his head had been just minutes ago.

"Good job. Now, if only your brother could be as fast as you." Reborn smirked and left the room, leaving Tsuna dumbfounded.

Oh no....I have to live with this again? Going through Reborn's training in one lifetime is enough. Going through it the second time is too much for my poor heart. Tsuna scowled.

"OUCH!!!" Natsu's cry came from his room, loud enough that it resounded around the entire house.


"Damn it! Why must Reborn do this to me every single morning!?" Natsu growled as he clutched his head in pain.

"Now now. Reborn's being.....Reborn. Just accept it. It'll be easier." Tsuna smiled sympathetically at his brother as they both sat down for breakfast.

"What do you know? You haven't experienced his spartan teachings...." He mumbled and chewed on his toast.

Ohh. I know more than you think I do. Tsuna smiled as he recalled the bittersweet memories he had with the sadistic infant.

"Hurry up and eat. You're going to be late." Reborn appeared at the table and threatened the both of them with his gun.

"Yes Reborn. And please stop waving your gun around at the table. It's rude." Tsuna gently chided while he continued to bite on his toast, dismissing the hitman's threat.

"Hn. It's a hundred years too early for you to tell me what to do." Reborn smirked and shot out a bullet at Tsuna.

Tsuna remind seated, skillfully dodged the bullet by tilting his head to the left a little.

"Hey Reborn! What are you thinking?! That's dangerous!" Natsu yelled but Reborn ignored him. His eyes only focusing on Tsuna.

"Good reflexes."

"Thanks. It was easy since the bullet was slow." Tsuna had finished his toast and sipped his morning tea.

An tick mark appeared on Reborn's forehead and he twitched slightly at the insult. Oh? That was not fast enough for you? And here I thought I was holding back for your sake... Reborn smirked and the thought of assessing the boy's abilities excites him.

He already assessed him on his mobility yesterday with Natsu and he was impressed. For someone who does not engage in any sports or exercise in his daily life, he manage to have the abilities and reflexes of an athlete.

But he can do more. Reborn smiled. He can see it in the boy. He can feel it. The flame burns strong within him and from his story, it sounds like he have pretty high quality sky flames. He couldn't wait to see him use it.

But! The boy had reminded him time and time again that he has a weak body. He told Nono that he only agree to let Reborn train him as the next CEDEF head but not all the time. Only when he's willing to. Reborn reluctantly accepted the conditions but only because Nono had asked him to.

Besides, he witnessed with his own eyes what happens when Tsuna uses too much of his flames or his other flames for that matter. Speaking of which.....

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