The Messenger & The Message

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-Tsuna's POV-

Reborn finally came back but no matter how much we asked him, he would not tell us where he went. In the end, we just left it as it is, knowing how stubborn Reborn is.

During the past week, Mukuro contacted me through my dreams just like how I did with Chrome.

I was awkward and a little disturbing to have a walking pineapple intruding in your dreams but I'll let it slide for now because he came bearing important information.


"Mukuro! What gives? You could have just contacted me normally like how a normal person would instead of through my dreams." I huffed, a little frustrated at having someone in my head when I'm sleeping.

"Kufufufu~ Well, I apologize. I never knew you get so worked up about having someone in your dreams. Maybe I should do this more often~"Mukuro chuckled in amusement.

"No. Please don't." I sweatdropped.

"Kufufu~ I came here to inform you of what I'm about to do in the next few days. Since you've told me about the Vongola, i have no need to go after meaningless targets or even that boy for that matter. I shall directly attack the Decimo and calm his body as my own. This will be the start of my revenge against the Mafia."

"So, you'll really be fighting against Natsu-nii huh? I guess nothing I say will change your mind but I'm warning you. It won't end well."

"Oya, is this a future you predicted as well?"

"No. I didn't. Let's just call it my intuition."

"Hmm, you sure are an interesting person. I would really like to-"

"ALRIGHT ALREADY! I get it! But you're never getting it so stop repeating yourself!" I shouted.

Saying it that many times and people will bound to misunderstand its meaning.


"Just so you know, if you're going against Natsu-nii, you're going against me too. I stand by my brother side-"

"Even if he doesn't want you too?" He cut in.

"Yes, even if he doesn't want me too. Although, he won't even know when I'm standing next to him cause he won't recognized me."

"So, you're going there with a disguise, how sneaky of you. I do hope you won't get in my way. Well, that's all I wanted to say. I shall be going now."

Before he fade away, i asked him one last question.

"Why did you come here just to tell me this? You don't have any obligations to."

"Kufufu~ It's a warning for you to not butt your nose into this fight. But your welcome to watch. I figured you might want to know." He laughed and faded away.

*End of Flashback*

So the fight will start this week huh?

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