Flashback to the Past

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-Normal POV-

The sun has already set for the day after Tsuna's sparing session with the skylark. He went home exhausted, covered in bruises from head to toe from the time he spent with Hibari.

'That skylark seriously doesn't hold back on his punches....Oww..oww....oww....' He groaned inwardly.

At last, he finally reached home and entered the front door.

'Tadaima....' Not saying it out loud because he didn't expect anyone to reply.
However, today was different because of a certain Hitman living with them in the household now.

"Okaerinasai Tsunayoshi." A squeaky voice said.

Tsuna turned to the baby and smiled, ever so grateful that someone bothered to greet him in this all-too-quiet household.

"Say Tsunayoshi, I heard from dame-Natsu that you can talk. So why aren't you talking? Are you pretending to be mute?" He questioned the boy with curiosity in his beady eyes.

Tsuna found himself flinching a little at that 'dame' part. That had used to be the nickname that Reborn use to call him. Hearing Reborn use it on someone else's name was a little upsetting but he had to remind himself again that this is not his world. 'And besides, 'Dame' is an insult. Why would I want to be called useless anyway?'

He stared at the hitman for a moment, considering his opinions. 'Since he already heard from that idiot brother of mine, I see no reason to continue hiding it. At least one secret is out. Whew.' He thought with a grateful sigh.

"It's not that I can't talk, but it hurts when I do. So I'll only talk when necessary." He said, coughing a little when he finished, his throat feeling dry and his voice raspy.

"Hmm...I heard about the incident 6 years ago that resulted in your damaged vocal cords but no one mentioned what did actually happened during the incident. You went missing for 2 days and later you were found all bloodied and unconscious with your throat injured. There were no records of what happened and the incident was neglected. That Baka-mitsu must have dropped the case instead of investigating it. So tell me, what did happen during those 2 missing days that had lead to this? I want to know." Reborn looked at Tsuna in all seriousness and demanded for him to answer.

"Well...." Tsuna looked at Reborn and considered telling him the truth.

Memories of the incident started surfacing from his memories. Unpleasant scenes flew pass his mind, reminding him of the terror he's past self felt then.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but promise to keep it a secret from anyone, okay?" He sighed. He had considered not telling him at first since his parallel self didn't want anyone to know about his painful past but still he felt that Reborn should know about it since its Reborn and Tsuna trust him to keep it a secret. 'Besides, he's not one to give up if I refuse to tell him.' That was enough of a reason to tell.

"Let's go to my room though; I don't want my family to hear of this." And proceeded upstairs with the Hitman following.

Thus, the two sat in the boy's room as he proceeded to tell the hitman of the incident that took place on that fateful day.


It was a day like any other and as usual, Poor Tsuna got beaten up by the bullies from the other class after school. They were more brutal than usual, beating the small boy till he lost consciousness and only to wake up when the sun has set.

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