Let's Hang Out!

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-Tsuna's POV-

After that chaotic week, I was so glad that the weekends are finally here. Some peace and quiet is what I need now after everything that happened.

Rumors spread that day, saying that the Devil's back and deaths are going to start happening again. Some were so exaggerated that it is ridiculous. Are people really that stupid to believe all this?

I need a break from this curse.....

I went straight home after school ended. Natsume and Reborn were away at the mountains, with Reborn tor-training him to become the Decimo. I was so glad I didn't have to go through what he's going through now.

I stayed in my room,catching up on my hacking jobs that I have to do to earn my keep and I guess, my reputation as Cielo, when I heard the doorbell ring.

I heard the door open and Nana-San saying:"Ara~ara~ are you all Natsu-Kun's friends? Welcome~"

Curious, I went out of my room and peek downstairs. At the doorway was Gokudera and behind was Yamamoto.

"Why are you also here?" Gokudera angrily shouted at Yamamoto.

"Maa~Maa~ I also wanted to see Tsuna~"

"That's TSUNA-SAMA to you!"

I sighed. Welp, looks like my peaceful weekend is ruined. But at the same time, I was glad to see them again and even better, Yamamoto was smiling again. Not the fake smiles he always give, but a genuine easygoing smile. His eyes was different too,not dull and lifeless but now there's a tint of light in it.

I went downstairs to greet them earning the attention of the 3 of them.

"Tsuna-sama!!We came to visit!"

"Ohaiyo Tsuna~" they both greeted me.

"Ohaiyo Yamamoto, Gokudera." I replied.

Nana-san looks confused and I understand why. How could someone like me make any friends around here and even have them come visit me? What's more, I'm talking to them when I don't even talk in front of my own family. But if she's thinking that,she didn't show it. She just nodded at them and went back to the kitchen to prepare snacks for the guests.

"So, what's up? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Tsuna-sama! I just wanted to see you!" Gokudera exclaimed and for a moment, I thought I saw puppy ears and tail on him.

"Haha~ Yeah Tsuna, let's hang out together~"

"Sure, I guess. What are we doing?" I guess my plans of spending my day in my room is ruined. I sighed.

"Yes! Come on! The girls are waiting at the Namimori shopping district for us~" Yamamoto pulled my arm and smiled like a child.

"W-wait...W-what?" I stuttered a little, confused by the situation.

"Well, you always have been going straight home after school, so we thought that you should come hang out with us outside sometimes. The girls thought that it was a good idea, so they tagged along too~." Yamamoto explained.

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