A Mundane But Peaceful Life

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-Tsuna's POV-

As expected, I was grounded. It would have been a normal thing if I was like 14, but getting grounded at 26 is no laughing matter...

But that's not the worse part; I was nagged at, scolded and punched (by Ryohei) for the selfish decision I made that resulted in my death. I know I deserved it for causing so much trouble and endless worry for everyone-both my parents and guardians, but I don't regret it. It might not have been the right decision to make but it might not have been the wrong one either. Either way, everything's been settled and I'm back-alive and well.

Well, not exactly well, but I'm surviving for someone who has a torturer waiting with pent-up frustration in him. Reborn was not pleased with my decision either though he understood why I did it. He was more annoyed that I lost the battle and died. He stated that my training was not enough and he's in the process of planning more brutal regimens for me. As though my workload isn't enough already....

It's been a month since I returned and after everything's settled with everyone, I returned to my usual activities as the Vongola Decimo.

Ah.....How I missed this title. A title that I did not want at first but was forced into. Ironically, this title is now my everything. My home, my family, my work and my life.

I'm finally back to where I belong and I hope to stay here as long as I could by everyone's side. As happy as I was to return to my normal days as the Decimo, I forgot the complications that come with it; paper work and disobedient guardians.

The troublemakers; Hibari and Mukuro, are back to their usual antics and it's still driving me crazy no matter how many times I threaten them to stop. Guess there's some things that still stay the same even after my death, though this is one thing I could do without.

As for my right-hand man and my rain guardian, they will not leave me alone for even a minute. Even when I'm in the toilet! But I don't talk them out of it seeing how much I've worried them over my supposed 'death'. Especially Gokudera. He seemed to took it the hardest when he first heard the news. He blamed himself so much and almost wanted to quit the Vongola because he said he has failed his job as a right-hand man. It was thanks to the ever-calm Takeshi to stop him and stayed by his side to support both him and the Vongola from breaking down in my absence.

Seriously, I own them a great debt I can never repay. Thus that's why I'm letting them do whatever they want now; which is stalking me and making sure I don't head off somewhere without telling them again. I already promised them I won't do it again but it's not enough to reassure them. I guess only time can heal the wounds inflicted on their hearts. So for now, I'm being monitored 24/7.

As for the rest of my guardians; Lambo is still the same; lazy and still a crybaby. However, I noticed he's always close by my side instead of playing around with I-pin.

Ryohei is the opposite of those three. He'll not come close to me for a while for the first week when I got back. I can tell he was angry. I mean, he did give me a hard punch when I got back, but his behavior is what worries me. He's been avoiding me whenever possible and although he still carries out his duties as a guardian, I can feel the gap between us that I ignorantly created. Kyoko-chan saw it too and being the kind-hearted woman she is, she's trying to talk her brother out of it. She told me to give him some time and I agreed. There's nothing I can say now to calm his anger at me.

I heaved a heavy sighed as I slouched in my seat. Mountains of paper has piled up over the past months during my absence but I'm surprised there isn't more. I guess my right-hand man really did took care of things when I'm gone, even my paper work.

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