What We're Fighting For (Sharja)

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 Sharon couldn't sleep that night. Try as she might, there was just too much on her mind.

 She turned over in the bed to look at her girlfriend Tarja, who had already fallen asleep. Tarja Turunen, one of the greatest women Sharon had ever had the pleasure of knowing. She looked so peaceful now, sleeping so soundly. It surprised Sharon, given everything they had been through in the last months.

 When Sharon first met Tarja a few years before, she was surprised by how much she immediately liked the other woman, and Tarja seemed to reciprocate those feelings. They quickly became good friends. Given that they both had families and careers to worry about, they didn't get to see each other very often, and Sharon would find herself sorely missing Tarja when they were separated. 

 Their romantic relationship wasn't one that came on too suddenly. It took months of friendship for something more to slowly develop. Then there came the day both Sharon and Tarja had been through bad breakups and decided to get together for a day. They hadn't seen each other in a while, so it was a good opportunity for them to meet and catch up.

 They had been sitting outdoors together, quietly watching the sun go down. Sharon looked over at Tarja, realizing how beautiful she looked the rays of the sunset reflecting on her. Tarja saw Sharon watching her and asked, "Is something wrong?"

 Sharon shook her head. "Not at all." She leaned over and kissed Tarja on the lips, and it was perfect.
 It was on that day that they realized they were in love.

 But it was hard, much harder than Sharon had initially realized. Sharon was the lead singer of a popular band, and Tarja had her own busy solo career. Given all the time they had to put into their work, they had less and less time to be with each other. The separation soon began to take its toll on the relationship. The times they were together, they did a lot of fighting, and would often separate angry or depressed. This wasn't what Sharon wanted for them, and she knew it wasn't what Tarja wanted either. Sharon was determined to make things work for them.

 Finally, there came a time when they both had time off, time to spare. They went away together, just the two of them. It was there, together in peace and solitude, that they remembered why they had gotten together in the first place. That was when they finally managed to reconcile.

 Now Sharon lay quietly in bed, remembering the evening that had just passed. 


 "I have something to ask you," Sharon said nervously. "It's something important."

 She could see Tarja's smile falter a little. "It sounds important. What is it?"

 Sharon took a deep breath and pulled out the ring box, opening it to reveal the ring she had bought for her. "Will you marry me, Tarja? I know we've had a lot of rough times, and this may not be the best idea, but I believe there's hope for us."

 Tarja eyes widened as she spoke, and Sharon thought she could see tears forming in her eyes.

 "Yes, Sharon." Tarja nodding, smiling. "I'll marry you." 

 Sharon wrapped her arm around Tarja's sleeping figure, whispered, "I love you, Tarja", and wondered if Tarja could hear her in her dreams.

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