An Important Shopping Expedition (Charmer)

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 "Are you sure this is everything we're going to need?" Charlotte asked, reading over the list. "Do you think it's going to be enough?"

 "I think so," Merel replied. "Don't worry. With all the research we've been doing, I think we've got it."

 Charlotte sighed. "I hope so."

 Merel reached over and took her hand. "Hey. It'll be okay. We've been learning about being parents, haven't we? I'm sure first-time parents go through all plenty of anxiety. I'm nervous, too."

 "But you're also excited."

 "Of course I am. I've realized that I would really like to be a parent, and I want to be a parent to this soon-to-be little one of ours."

 Charlotte looked down and placed her hand on her stomach. "It's only a couple more months. In a couple more months, we're going to have a baby on your own."

 Merel smiled. "It sounds amazing when you say it."

 Charlotte looked up at her and smiled back. "It sounds amazing no matter who says it. We're having a baby." 

 Merel nodded. "We're having a baby. And we're still incredibly unprepared at this point, given the stuff we wrote down. You ready to get whatever we need?"

 "Of course I am," Charlotte replied. "And can you keep your eyes on the road? We're almost there."

 When they arrived, Merel found that it ended up being more fun than she thought it would be. She enjoyed watching Charlotte looking through baby clothes wondering which would be best for theirs.

 When Charlotte looked up and saw Merel watching her, she asked, "What is it?"

 Merel shrugged. "Nothing. It's just...nice watching you pick stuff out."

 The two women were in the store for much longer than they thought they would be, since they ended having a debate over everything they had to look for, deciding what would be best for the baby.

 They eventually got everything they were looking for and managed to fit it all in their car.

 "I think we're prepared now, right?" Merel asked.

 "I hope so," Charlotte answered. "Now we can start putting the nursery together." She gave Merel a kiss. "I'm glad we did this together. Now we can plan the nursery together, too."

 Merel smiled. "I wouldn't want to miss it."

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