One Cold Drunken Night (Rommy)

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 "Come on, Khan, are you really just gonna stand there staring out the window all night?" Tommy asked. "We can go outside if you want."

 "No, we actually can't," Roy replied, "Unless you want to turn into a block of ice. I was looking at the moon. It's really bright out there tonight."

 "Well...that's great. Let's celebrate indoors, then. It's New Year's Eve. We should do something. Wait here."

 "Where are you going?" Roy called. "Don't you dare go raiding my kitchen, Tommy Karevik."

 "I'm getting the bottle of champagne that I brought," Tommy called back. He came back with the bottle and two glasses. "But I did raid your cabinets for the glasses. So, let's just relax and enjoy ourselves. We're ringing in the new year together."

 "Our first time celebrating New Year's together." Roy took the glass Tommy poured him. "Hey, I meant to ask, how are things with the band? I haven't talked to Thomas much lately."

 Tommy shrugged. "Usual stuff. Nothing unusual. Thomas did ask me how you were doing last time I saw him, so I guess he knows we're constantly in touch."

 "Oh. He doesn't think it's weird, does he?"

 "No, I don't think that's it. But after that time we got caught making out in your car while I was supposed to be working, I think they all got the idea. You know, that we're dating. And don't think I haven't gotten any teasing about that. They don't mean it badly, though."

 Roy nodded. "That's good, I guess. I haven't been too annoying with all the texting, have I?"

 "No, of course not," Tommy said. "I think they just thought it was strange at first that I was always texting people, but it probably made more sense when they found out it was you."

 "That actually sounds like something that could cause problems," Roy pointed out.

 "Roy, have you met Thomas?" Tommy cleared his throat, and said in an American accent, "'Look, Tommy, we're running short of time today as it is. If we're going to get this done, you have to concentrate. And stop texting Roy, because we all know what you do with that phone'."

 Roy chuckled. "Okay, that does sound a little bit like Thomas. But he's probably not used to the idea of a former bandmate and a current bandmate dating each other."

 "So, you're saying none of them can ever be annoying?" Tommy poured himself another glass. "Let's see, who else? There's Oliver." He ran his hand over his hair. "'I, with my fabulous hair and my handsome look, and that smooth piano playing of mine, all the ladies just love me'."

 Roy laughed at that one. "All right, maybe they are a little bit accurate."

 "Come on, you know that's just the beginning."

 The two men ended up spending the rest of the evening with the champagne and the impressions, and they both seemed rather drunk by the time it was growing close to midnight.

 "I think that was all of it," Tommy said, shaking the empty bottle. "I should have brought two bottles. Good thing I found that bottle of wine, right?"

 "Mm. I forgot that was that even there," said Roy. "Hey." His eyes snapped open. "I told you not to raid my kitchen! No, wait, did I?" He pressed his hand to his forehead. "Yes, yes, I did, and you did it, anyway!"

 "Oh, calm down, Khan, it's not like I made a mess of everything."

 "Well, how do I know you didn't?" Roy stood up, and he felt a little dizzy on his feet. "You really do think you're so handsome and irresistible, don't you?"

 "Hey, I've been told I'm rather handsome," Tommy replied. "All the ladies love me, and I got you to fall for me, didn't I? You must think I'm irresistible in some way."

 "Well, if I did, I wouldn't tell you, and let you have the satisfaction of knowing."

 Tommy groaned. "Oh, that's just cruel. You're gonna be the death of me, you know that?"

 Roy was going to think of a reply, but then he saw the time on the clock. "Tommy, it's midnight. We made it."

 "Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Tommy smiled. "Our first new year together."

 Roy smiled back and let Tommy pull him into a kiss. Despite getting drunk and yelling at each other about raiding kitchens and irresistibility, they still made it to the new year.

 When they broke apart, Roy said, "What have we done? We made fun of our friends, we yelled at each other-"

 "Technically, you yelled at me," Tommy pointed out.

 "Yeah, and we are definitely drunk. I need some sleep, and you need a shower because you reek of alcohol now."

 "Then why don't you join me in the shower? If I smell of it, you must, too."

 "No, I really need sleep."

 "Then I'll join you in bed, and we'll worry about the smell tomorrow."

 Roy moaned. "I don't even know." He sat down on the sofa. "I can't really think right now."

 "All right." Tommy sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around him. "Let's just worry about everything tomorrow."

 Roy nodded. "Good idea." He rested his head against Tommy's shoulder, and was soon asleep.

 Of course, they would both have horrible hangovers when daylight came around.

A/N: I just skimmed over this again, and I've decided this has to be the silliest story I've written so far (in this book). But I guess it can serve as a lesson: if you and your boyfriend or girlfriend are celebrating on New Year's Eve, try not to get too drunk or you could end up like those two. And that thing Tommy said about them getting caught making out in Roy's car was a reference to the last Rommy story I wrote, which I renamed 'The Car Incident'.

 But that was all of my plans for New Year's stories, and this was my last one of 2017, so it's probably a good thing 2018 starts tomorrow. Happy New Year, wherever you are and whatever time it is, and hopefully it's warmer wherever you are because it's pretty cold where I am.

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