The Question (Charon)

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 Charlotte Wessels was nervous. She sat staring down at her phone, more specifically the contacts list she had saved on her phone. There was Sharon den Adel. Her number was right there. It would be so easy to call her. However, Charlotte hesitated, because she wasn't sure if this was something she was ready to do. 

 Charlotte had known Sharon for a while now. The two women got along pretty well, and Sharon seemed to like Charlotte. Charlotte doubted Sharon liked her as much as she liked her back. In fact, there didn't seem to be too big a chance that Charlotte would be able to get Sharon to go out with her. Sharon just didn't seem interested in her that way. 

 Charlotte sighed to herself and moved to put her phone away, but she suddenly stopped. What if she was wrong? What if Sharon would want to go out with her? There was always a possibility, wasn't there? And maybe this time, Charlotte would be right. Maybe Sharon actually would want to go out on a date. Maybe they could start dating for real. That was what Charlotte wanted, so why not take the chance? 

 But she could wrong. Whatever Sharon's answer would be, she would know that Charlotte was interested in her like that. How would affect their friendship if she said no? Was it possible things could get so awkward between them that Sharon wouldn't at least want to be friends anymore? If she got this wrong and things went in that direction, it would probably haunt Charlotte for a long time. 

 Not wanting to think about it anymore, Charlotte abruptly dialed Sharon and pressed her phone to her ear. If Sharon said no, she said no. There was no point in obsessing over it the way she was. 

 Half of her hoped Sharon wouldn't pick up the phone. She did, however. 

 "Hi, Sharon," Charlotte said when she heard Sharon answer. 

 "Hi! What's up?" 

 "Uh...I kind of wanted to ask you something." 

 "Oh. Okay, ask away." 

 "Uh...would you want to meet up sometime this week?" 

 "Oh. To hang out, catch up? I could probably make some time." 

 "Great. I mean, maybe kind of like a date." The words rushed out of Charlotte's mouth before she could stop herself. 

 There was silence on the other end of the line for a long moment. Then Sharon said, "Okay. I think I can find time to meet up this week. I'll text you?" 

 Charlotte nodded, forgetting Sharon couldn't see her. "Sure. See you then." 

 She quickly hung up. How had she sounded to Sharon? Did she take the whole date idea seriously? 

 Charlotte stared down at her phone. "Well," she said to herself, "Whether she took it seriously or not, I gave it a try, and she said yes. That must count for something." 

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