Snowed In (Angelissa)

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 Alissa pulled back the curtain to see the snow was still coming down with no signs of stopping.

 "I wouldn't keep staring at it if I were you," said Angela. "It's a real blizzard out there tonight."

 "I know it's a blizzard," Alissa said. "I just want it to stop. I have to get home, and I can't in this weather."

 Angela shrugged. "Then I'll guess you'll just have to stay here with me until the snow stops."

 " don't mind me being here?"

 "Not really. It sounds like you won't be able to leave anytime soon, so you may as well sit down and relax. I was going to make dinner anyway."

 Alissa sat down on the sofa while Angela went to the kitchen. The sky had been cloudy and kind of dark that morning. Alissa felt like she should have known it was going to snow, but she certainly hadn't thought there would be a blizzard like this. Now she was stuck at Angela's place until it stopped.

 That was the weird thing, though. Sure, Alissa and Angela were friends, but Alissa was a little surprised at how Angela didn't seem to mind at all that she suddenly had an unexpected guest for the night. In fact, she almost seemed a little...happy that Alissa was stuck there.

 Alissa got up from the sofa, and walked into the kitchen.

 "Is it any better out there?" Angela asked.

 "No. I don't think it'll be letting up anytime soon. You...don't mind me staying the night, do you?"

 "Not really. There's another bedroom upstairs, but it's probably pretty dusty in there."

 "Oh, well, I could just sleep on the couch."

 "No, please, take the room," Angela replied. "May as well put it to good use."

 "Thanks." Alissa sat down at the table. "You're actually being really cool about this. I feel I've been pretty much dumped on your doorstep."

 "Alissa, you can calm down." Angela gently patted her shoulder. "You can go home tomorrow. This should all be over by then."

 It didn't escape Alissa's notice that Angela seemed to keep her hand on her shoulder a little longer than was normal.

 "Are you okay?" Alissa asked.

 "Um, yeah. Why? I'm no acting weird, am I?"

 "No, no. I was...just wondering."

 After a slightly awkward dinner, Alissa offered to wash the dishes, but Angela declined the offer.

 "You're my guest," she said. "I'll handle it."

 As she was putting the dishes in the sink, the lights flickered, and then went out completely.

 Angela sighed. "Great. Power outage on top of everything else. I think I've got a few candles in here somewhere." 

 They sat back down on the sofa together once Angela had lit the candles. "That should do," she said. "You okay?"

 Their hands brushed against each other, and Alissa said, "Your hands are cold."

 "So are yours. That's why I asked."

 Alissa stared at Angela, and she stared back.

 "You've been acting weird," Alissa said. "Like, you're happy I'm stuck here with you, but you're also kind of nervous."

 "Well, maybe that is how I feel."

 Angela cupped Alissa's face in her hands and kissed her. Alissa was shocked by the gesture, but found she liked it. She actually liked kissing Angela.

 When they broke apart, Alissa asked, "Is that why you were excited and nervous? like me that much?"

 Angela nodded. "Yeah. That's why."

 Alissa gave a small smile, and took Angela's hand. "Well, I'm a little surprised, but...I like you, too. If we survive this blizzard, you want to hang out sometime."

 Angela smiled. "Yes, definitely. I'd love it."

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