The Way Things Happen (Floorette)

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 In the beginning, Anette and Floor didn't realize they even had any romantic feelings for each other. Things were different in the beginning.

 Strangely enough, how they met and what would later distance them was the same: it was through Nightwish. Being a friend of theirs, Floor met Anette not long after she first joined the band.

 "So, how are things going for you so far?" Floor had asked.

 "Not bad," Anette answered. "I like everyone, and I'm excited for this new album and the tour and everything. It just feels like things are going really well."

 Floor smiled. "Now, that's the attitude to have. It sounds you guys are doing great. I might have auditioned myself, but I have plenty of band problems of my own to deal with. Between you and me," she lowered her voice, "I like the Nightwish guys, and they're cool and all, but I got to tell you, it feels they can get kind of drama queen-like every now and then."

 Anette smiled back. "Ah, who doesn't have some drama queen in them? Besides, I think everything's gonna be okay, you know? I just have a feeling."

 After the first time they met, Anette and Floor became good friends. They always felt very strongly about each other, and both of them thought that maybe it was a potential for a lifelong friendship. Neither of them ever thought it was anything romantic.

 Of course, what brought them together would be the same thing that almost ended them.


 Floor Jansen was sitting on a bench in a park on a chilly, cloudy day. It wasn't the best kind of weather for a day in the park, but Floor was not moving. She was waiting for someone, and it was important that she talk to them. She wasn't sure if the person was waiting for was really going to show, but she would still wait.

 She was waiting on the bench for almost an hour without moving when she finally saw the person she was waiting for walking towards her.

 "Anette." Floor jumped up from the bench. "You really did show."

 "I told you I'd come, didn't I?" Anette said. "I don't like breaking my word. Shall we sit or walk?"

 "Um, come sit down, please." Floor was a little thrown off by Anette's icy tone, but she wasn't expecting a warm welcome.

 "It's been a while since we last talked," said Anette. "I wasn't sure you were going to get in touch again."

 "Yeah, I, uh, I didn't like the way things were the last time we talked. Look, Anette, I'm sorry, okay? When I took the gig, and then I ended up replacing you, it must have felt like this huge betrayal."

 Anette nodded. "I'm sorry for I acted over it. I could have handled it better. You should have talked to me more. I didn't understand, and it took time, but I understand now."

 "Oh. Well, I guess you were right about everyone having some drama queen in them."

 Anette smiled a little. "You remembered that."

 "Well, yeah. That was when we first met. I couldn't forget about that, could I? It was a great day."

 "Yeah." Anette sighed. "It's silly that we let it get to us, isn't it?"

 "Yeah. I guess it was. Look, it's probably never going to be like old times again, but maybe we can have something again. You know, find a way to still be friends."

 "Maybe." Anette stared at Floor for a few seconds, and then said, "You really didn't get it, did you?"

 "Get what?" Floor asked.

 Her answer came in the form of a kiss she was not expecting at all.

 "You get it now?" Anette asked.

 Floor nodded. "Yeah. I do. I think I really do. It's strange the way these things can happen, isn't it?"


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