Found Again (Romone)

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 A sequel to 'Haunted'


 The red-haired lady weaved her way through the crowd. The ball had gotten dull much faster than she thought it would, and she couldn't wait until she could just go home.

 She was finally able to get out of the ballroom, and found herself in a dark hallway. She thought this was the way she had come, but now she thought it must have been a different hall.

 Up ahead of her, she could see someone standing by the window, the faint light of a candle illuminating a man's figure.

 "Excuse me," she said, stepping closer. "Can you tell me which part of the house this is?"

 The man turned slowly turned around to face her. "Helena?" she heard him say softly.

 She shook her head. "No. I'm afraid youmust have the wrong person, sir. My name's not Helena."

 He stepped away, closer to where the light was coming from. "Please, come into the light."

 She came closer, so that the light shone upon her face. The man looked down at her with a pair of dark, cold eyes, and let out a sharp exhale.

 "I apologize," he said. "I thought you were someone else. Is this your first time in this house?"

 She nodded. "I'm really not sure where I am."

 He slowly turned his gaze away from her and said softly, "You may not wish to know more about this house. Someone died here. A woman."

 "Stories about death don't frighten me the way they would most ladies, sir."

 He looked back at her. "Really? Then I would certainly find you more interesting than many other women I have met."

 She smiled. "I should hope so."


 Just the same as Roy did, Simone Simons felt like they had met somewhere before. Of course, she had known of him, but they had only just met in person.

 During the recording of 'The Haunting', something in the lyrics reminded her of something. She was suddenly in a dark house at night, standing in the candlelight, looking up at a man. A man who looked just like Roy.

 The man had thought she was someone named Helena, the name mentioned in the song.


 During a break, Simone and Roy sat quietly side by side, each sorting through their thoughts. Finally, Simone asked, "This will probably sound strange, but did you get the feeling that we've met somewhere before?"

 Roy gave her a surprised look. "You felt it, too? I thought I was losing my mind."

 She shook her head. "I had this weird vision that we'd met, but it looked like something from at least a couple of centuries ago. I was looking up at you, and you had thought I was a woman named Helena, like-"

 "The name in the song," Roy finished. "I thought of a sad, dark man, and there were two women. One looked like you, and...the other was dead."

 There was a long moment of silence between them. Then Simone chuckled softly and said, "This got weird really fast, didn't it?"

 Roy nodded. "It certainly did. Look, I don't know what that was about, or who those people were, but I'd like to get to know you better."

 Simone smiled. "I'd like to get to know you better, too."

 They didn't discuss it again, but each one silently wondered about the man and the woman in those memories.

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