Long-Time Feelings (Marcuomas)

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 No one seemed to notice the way Tuomas and Marco had been skirting around each other, or the way each one of them never seemed to know what to say to the other. Later on, they would both wonder how no one did.

 From their first meeting, Tuomas liked Marco. The man seemed like exactly the kind of bandmate and musician Nightwish needed. His singing inspired Tuomas for new songwriting, and his smile made Tuomas want to smile.

 But something changed as time went on. Tuomas' feelings began to change. Whenever he and Marco were together, he felt a warm feeling inside of himself. Whenever they weren't together, he was practically counting the minutes until he saw each other again.

 He never said a word to anyone. He would never have figured out how to, anyway; he didn't even know how to describe what he felt.

 On the other end of this, Marco couldn't figure out what was up with Tuomas. They were friends, and had been friends from the beginning of Marco's days in Nightwish. But for a long time, Tuomas began to pull further and further away. Marco didn't get it. They used to laugh and joke together, and Marco had helped with some of the music writing, but it was like Tuomas didn't even want to talk to him.

 For the longest time, Marco let it slide. But one evening, when it happened to be just the two of them in the studio at the moment, he asked Tuomas, "Is everything all right with you?"

 "I'm fine," Tuomas said shortly.

 "Are you?" Marco pressed. "You've just...seemed different. With me, at least."

 "What do you mean?"

 "Well, you don't act this strange around everyone else. I mean, did I do something or say something that upset you? And if I did, could you tell me? Because I'd want to apologize."

 Tuomas sighed. "I don't think we should be talking about this now."

 "Why not?" Marco demanded. "Tuomas, it's just us here. Everyone else must have gone home by now. If-look, if you need to tell me something, it's probably best if you just say it and get it over with."

 Tuomas couldn't bring himself to look Marco in the eye, but their hands brushed against each other, and each one of them felt a sort of spark, the sort of thing they would expected to read about in some silly romance novel. They looked at each other, and then Marco sighed and turned away. "God, Tuomas. How long?"

 He shrugged. "I don't know. A long time. I think you can see why I was hesitant to talk about it."

 Marco sighed again. "Yeah. I get it. But Tuomas, why would you feel like you couldn't talk to me? You could have given me a hint, a sign."

 "Well, what good would that have done?" Tuomas asked.

 "You'd be surprised," Marco answered. Without any warning whatsoever, he leaned over and kissed Tuomas. It was a fast few seconds, and Tuomas didn't have much time to process it.

 "You didn't think for one second that maybe I like you, too? Next time, at least leave me a note." He laughed. "Oh, you should see the look on your face now. Come on." He held out his hand. "Let's get out of here before someone comes in here and finds us like this."

 With a smile, Tuomas took Marco's hand, and let him lead the way.

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